How to name your startup?

James Eder
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2017

Naming a company is very personal. Often perhaps meaning more to the founder or founders than anyone else. Starting an App I wanted to create a name that meant something. The process started with going through a process of elimination, the initial number of obvious names, those are then taken, the URL is taken, searching on the App Stores brings up similar results all contribute to the creation of a name to be more and more challenging.

So why Causr?

The focus of Causr is all around creating meaningful connections so the word connection was the starting point.

I put into Google — what is the latin word for Connection? The trusty Website WordHippo came up:

Causa came up near the top. One of my favourite films is the Matrix where it talks about Causality — Cause & Effect:

As the URL Causa was taken, whilst not commonly known the word exists I wanted to adapt the word and create my own — Causr. By using Causr the App enables you to create connections otherwise missed. Manufacturing serendipity we’re creating causality.

Causr is a location based App helping professionals connect on the go. Our vision is to create millions of meaningful connections for people nearby, all around the world everyday. Download the App to see who’s nearby and start connecting today. Now available on the Apple App Store.

