While cooking Turiya curry a few days back, I was amused at how it’s name was the same as the concept of Turiya from Indian philosophy. There are other names of this veggie, but this is the name I like most.
Since it has outward facing ridges, its english name is Ridge Gourd. According to wise gurus, Turiya is the fourth state of pure consciousness beyond waking, dreaming and deep sleep where one transcends the outward facing ridges of the ego self and unites with the seamless infinite. In this state of super consciousness, one realises his true nature as pure knowledge and bliss and is freed from desire, delusion, and duality of the external world. While I don’t know if I can ever tune into that zen state, I certainly did experience a bite sized moment of bliss digging into a bowl of light, yummy Turiya curry 😊
Have you ever been in a philosophical mood while cooking? Share your experiences in comments below.