A great set of Android guides

Luis Daher
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2017

Learning a new language and/or paradigm can be really overwhelming. Getting familiar with a new syntax, IDE and gotchas are tasks that, for most people, seem to be too difficult to overcome.

Java, and more specifically its version especially tailored for Android, is no exception. Android app development requires a considerable knowledge about its best practices, tools and dependencies, which one probably couldn't learn in a short period of time.

Fortunately, there are some free sites and guides that were created in order for newcomers to shorten their learning curve. Those are:

  • Android Developer Training Page: Google's official resource page, containing tutorials and examples, is the best place to start if you have some Java knowledge but are completely new to Android.
  • Codepath's Android Guides: probably the biggest Android resource page around. From 'Getting Started' guides for "non coders" to complex architecture approaches, it can be helpful to programmers of all levels.
  • Awesome Android: a straightforward, curated list of great Android libraries and resources. It is part of the "Awesome" list of curated lists.

All of them offer an extensive knowledge base that could make you able to become a resourceful Android developer. It's going to take some time, but at least those guides will help you connecting the dots.

