Meet ‘Seike Ibojo — Customer Success Manager

Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2020

Customer Success in Tech? You ask…

Olaseike provides support and enables customers to use Paystack’s technology efficiently. She’s primarily responsible for managing & resolving disputes, which requires a lot of data analysis and other technical skills.

Learn more about Seike in the interview below.

Hello, ‘Seike. Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Olaseike Ibojo. I am currently the Customer Success Manager for dispute operations at Paystack. I started out my career as a customer success representative and I’ve grown over the years. In my spare time, I sing in church and love to work out at the gym.

Can you share the “backstory” behind what brought you to this particular career path?

I didn’t want to be in tech. I wanted to be an IVF specialist and I applied for a masters’ degree but I put it on hold to learn a little before proceeding for the masters. I applied for internships in IVF clinics in Nigeria and I wasn’t lucky to get into anyone.

Then, I randomly looked at other interesting fields in Nigeria. Finance looked interesting but I didn’t want to work in a bank. So I got a job as a personal assistant in a tech company called Delivery Science through a friend. That was where I picked an interest in technology. I had a great boss who put me through the entire product development phase.

My experience has been interesting especially with payments. There’s a lot to learn.

I’ve learned that tech is not just about the product but also about helping people understand how to use the product to solve their problems.

My job as a Customer Success representative helps me guide people in resolving their issues. It is a continuous process.

Interesting, so where and what did you study for undergrad?
I studied Biology at Covenant University.

Awesome, could never have guessed. What’s your typical day like at work (pre-COVID era)?
I wake up in the morning, pray, prepare for work and drive to the office
My first stop when I get in is usually the kitchen and get snacks, drink water.

Then, I open slack and catch up on messages and emails, and follow up with my teammates on deliverables for the day/week. I also attend scheduled meetings, then make time for focused work. After work, I head to the gym with my colleagues. Then I drive back home and power down for the day.

Your favorite work tools?

  • Remind me” feature on Slack,
  • Google calendar,
  • Notepad on Mac to write out my to-dos.

Way to go.

What were you doing the last time you looked at the clock and realized you had lost all track of time?
I was writing a process document to help us on-board a partner and I totally lost track of time. I looked up and realized I’d spent over 3 hours to put it together.

Whew. How do you strike a work-life balance then?
I schedule my work and non-work activities. Working out, having sweet red wine, talking to friends, and dancing.

Your best career highlight and lowlight would be:

Lowlight — When I had not acquired enough knowledge to do my job and it was reflecting on the quality of my work.

Highlight — Being able to channel the knowledge I have acquired to help my company drive processes and improvements.

Your Philosophy/Motivation to work?
I don’t ever want to be in a situation where I can’t say anything about questions being thrown at me. Having knowledge about a subject matter is important to me.

Have you faced any difficulties so far? Or ever felt like you were not treated as equal?
Not at all

That’s awesome! What are some things people and organizations could do to get more women in STEM?

Be intentional about looking for women that can do the job. Get to know the women communities that fit into the role you’re recruiting for. Be intentional about looking for them. Have more options for women

Your fave “Life Lesson Quote”

I know I can be what I wanna be. If I work hard today, I’ll be where I wanna be. Be be be!

So So Random: What can’t you do without

Hair or heels? Heels

Jewelry or make-up? None

Books or movies: Movies

Club or Cafe: Cafe

DIY or Pay someone: Pay someone

It’s a wrap, folks! You can connect with Olaseike via her on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

CAWSTEM is a community of African women in STEM. We are a female-led crew, on a mission to rewrite the narrative about having few women in STEM and, especially in leadership positions. We share interesting insights, news, and resources to empower women in their STEM careers. You can join the community here

Every Tuesday, we publish stories here about African women’s journey in STEM. We know every STEM woman’s story is unique…so we tell these stories to inspire our community. If you would like to share your story with us, send an email to, we can’t wait to read from you!

