In Conversation With Katalin Zanaty

Derek Millar
Cazoo Technology Blog
4 min readFeb 25, 2022

We recently sat down with Katalin Zanaty, one of our Agile Coaches, to discuss her role at Cazoo. She was happy to share her thoughts on working in a collaborative team and why she enjoys her role as a coach.

Portrait photograph of Katalin Zanaty
Katalin Zanaty

Q. What was your role before you joined Cazoo?

A. I worked for Sainsbury’s Tech and Data as a team coach. It’s very similar to the role that I do now but I worked with the Finance and HR system teams. I really enjoyed working there as I got insight into how big organisations work. I’d never worked for a big organisation like that before.

Q. Why did you feel that Cazoo was the right role for you?

A. I wanted to focus more on coaching, as I felt I’d been a little bit too focused on processes. When I read the job description, it was exactly what I was looking for. It seemed really interesting. The whole interview process was very straightforward.

I liked talking to the people that interviewed me, and that was it. Whatever work I do, I need to enjoy working with the people. If the people are nice, then I’ll enjoy the job.

I also liked the mindset around the coaching role too. It’s exactly what I’d been looking for.

Q. How have you found working here so far?

A. It is fast paced, which I enjoy. I like the variety, there is always something new to figure out. There is always something to collaborate on, there is never a boring moment.

I support an organisation full of lovely, ambitious and very capable people. I enjoy collaborating with the team as people here want to work together. It’s a nice feeling knowing that people are willing to invest themselves in working together to make something better.

Q. As a coach, what is your role?

A. We recently had an off-site where we figured out our mission, purpose and values. Our role is to foster a culture of collaboration, creativity and continuous improvement in order to achieve better outcomes.

For me, the role is about listening. I listen to what people say and what they don’t say. Asking questions is an important part of the role. Most important is asking the right questions. Sometimes, I even ask people what the right question is to ask them.

It’s also very important to build relationships with people. When you are asking people so many questions they need to trust you and feel safe around you. I need to provide that safety and be approachable.

I also need to take care of myself. That way I’m in a better position to support others. It’s important that I know my own limitations. I need to know how much energy I can give and how much I need for myself and find the right balance.

Q. Is there anything that you do to ensure that you find that balance?

A. I objectively look at my time and how I spend it. I need to consciously say yes and no to the things that I get involved in. It’s important to understand why you are saying yes and why you are saying no. In practice, that might mean some things fall off my to do list, and it’s okay to let them die peacefully.

I also keep a summary of what happened and what will happen on a daily basis. I do this every day in the morning, but sometimes after work too, it’s like a ritual. I read this book about atomic habits which was quite influential. To build habits into your life, you need to start really, really small.

These things have helped me grow. It was hard at first, and I still feel guilty about declining certain meetings. However, at the end of the day I feel much better. I spent my time focusing on something that I felt was important.

Q. What is the coolest thing about being a coach?

A. I enjoy that I can take a neutral position. I like that I’m so involved but can also take a step back and provide observations. I think it’s great, as it empowers me to say what I feel. I’m actually invited to share my point of view. People expect me to say uncomfortable things, in a comfortable way.

Q. What has been your biggest achievement in your role so far?

A. I really enjoyed working on subscription. I think that was my biggest achievement. It was such a huge customer initiative, it was really challenging.

So many people collaborated together and through that, I made many connections and learned a lot. It was great to pull through it together.

Q. What is your favourite thing about working at Cazoo?

A. The people and their intelligence. I like talking to people, working with them, hearing their thoughts and improving things together. Even when it’s an everyday normal conversation, not about work, I enjoy that too. Everyone is very friendly, it’s a great environment.

Q. If you were speaking to someone who wanted to join Cazoo as an Agile Coach, what advice would you give them?

A. If you enjoy collaborating, then this is the place for you. If you enjoy supporting other people, then this is the role for you. Just be yourself.

If you would be interested in a career at Cazoo, you can find out more on our career’s page.

