Interns and Coops Joining CBC: Data Analyst Coop

CBC Digital Labs
CBC Digital Labs
Published in
7 min readNov 3, 2023

This post is part of a series on “Interns and Coops Joining CBC”. In each blog post we invite people to take a courageous step and tell the story of their journey, highlighting the support they received as interns, coop students and opportunities discovered along the way that have sometimes resulted in a full time position with CBC.

To join our teams at CBC, check out our current full-time openings here.

University of Waterloo students can view any CBC coop job postings here.

By Yash Pokra, Data Analyst intern on Data and Audience Activation team

Q: As a young person, when asked “what do you want to be when you grow up”, how did you answer this question? How would you answer this question today?

When I was younger, I wanted to be a teacher. I admired how teachers shaped lives, including my own. They were like guides for personal growth, and their positive impact on students deeply resonated with me. Memories of teachers supporting me through tough times remain vivid, leaving a lasting mark. Their ability to make a difference, especially in struggles, was truly inspiring.

Today, my response has taken a different path. I’m now interested in becoming a Data Scientist. Working with data has become interesting for me. The ability to use information to steer business decisions for products that can influence the world and impact several individuals at a more comprehensive reach is exciting and what I want to explore!

Q: When embarking on your academic journey, what were your initial thoughts and impressions on entering a Coop / Internship program, and what helped you decide to pursue the program?

When I started my academic journey, I saw the Coop program as a chance to grow personally and pinpoint my career path. I am currently enrolled in a program called Management Engineering (Coop), a program centered around making individuals develop their skillset and more optimal in designing processes in organizations. This involves various skills like data analytics, project management, software development, and many more. Back in high school, I was uncertain about my career direction. Choosing the Management Engineering program allowed me to help understand what I wanted to do for my career path based on exploring options the program offers, and by doing internships, I would be able to get insight into what technical work I wanted to do for my career path.

Q: What other Coop assignments did you take part in with other organizations and how did they compare with what CBC had to offer.

Some common assignments I did in other organizations were designing Power BI reports focused on highlighted metrics relating to revenue produced by the company’s products. As a Data Analyst at CBC, I designed reports in Power BI, but I focused more on user engagement and looking at how users had churned from engaging with content on CBC. My position at CBC also involved working with SQL queries that were more complex compared to previous work that I did in other organizations, which allowed me to develop my technical skills in pulling data from different databases. Overall, my experience at CBC helped me expand and strengthen my skillset.

Q: Describe the recruitment process that you experienced when applying for an internship / Coop position with CBC. What was particularly noteworthy about the process?

During the recruitment process, I applied for a position through WaterlooWorks, the platform for co-op students at the University of Waterloo. The job description was eye-opening. It gave me a deep understanding of CBC’s culture and the diverse tasks associated with the position, which would lead to a positive impact. Moreover, the post featured a link to an article by a former CBC Coop student who shared their journey. This added perspective ignited my enthusiasm to apply for the CBC position because it looked exciting based on the information provided.

Q: What motivated you to consider working with CBC as an intern / Coop student?

As a kid, I loved tuning into CBC’s Hockey Night in Canada, mainly when my hometown team, the Edmonton Oilers, played. Those childhood memories made applying to work at CBC as an intern exciting. During my interview, CBC came across as a place where I could grow and learn, and it seemed like it would have a great environment for collaboration. That’s why I was motivated to work with CBC as an intern!

Q: What support did you receive after you landed the role? What kind of support worked well or could have been done differently?

After I began my role and started working, I was paired with a colleague for a project. This person acted as a mentor, readily assisting me when I had questions or needed support. This arrangement was particularly effective because it allowed me to learn from their experience, improve my skills, and seek guidance during project work. It not only enhanced my understanding of the job but also provided valuable support during my internship.

Q: When you started the role, what surprised you?

When I started the role, I was surprised by CBC’s unwavering commitment to data privacy. Their dedication to protecting public privacy in data handling was truly remarkable. This emphasis had an impact on how I approached my work and how I reported metrics derived from the data.

Q: Describe your first assignment and the product(s) you were contributing to. What were the challenges and rewards that resulted from your first assignment?

I created a Winback Report using Power BI. This report involved using SQL queries to gather data from databases and display it in Power BI. The main goal was to see if promotional offers could entice users who had previously left CBC GEM to come back and subscribe again. I examined various aspects of these users, such as engagement with CBC content and platforms.

The rewarding part of this project was providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of promotional offers. Knowing that my work was meaningful and could contribute to CBC and developing my skills for this project along the way, I was personally rewarded.

Q: Describe the buddy that was assigned to you as a mentor and guide. What sage advice were they able to offer you and what did they learn in observing your passion and growth?

My buddy at CBC was Hadi Ali, Senior Data Engineer. He supported my technical onboarding, and answered any questions I had about the tech stack the team is using. He was my coach and tutor on all data and SQL related questions. In addition to Hadi, I’ve received support from Nivi Samudrala, a Senior Data Scientist. Working with her on the Winback Report project was a great experience. She was an excellent mentor and always open to answering my questions. One valuable piece of advice she gave me was not to hesitate to ask questions. She emphasized that asking questions is a vital part of personal growth. Being honest and transparent about what you don’t understand can lead to personal development.

My enthusiasm for asking questions and learning led to the discovery of new aspects of a topic, which I believe Nivi learned. Nivi’s interest in exploring new areas was sometimes ignited by my questions. Our collaborative communication helped us see different perspectives, and this exchange of ideas often led to valuable insights.

Q: As you became more familiar with the project / product and related tasks you were assigned, what aspects of your academic experience best prepared you for completing the assigned work?

Academic courses focused on databases taught me SQL and essential data structuring concepts, greatly helping me in my SQL-related tasks. These courses also stressed the importance of collaboration and teamwork, which were incredibly valuable when working with my team, and best prepared me for completing assigned work!

Q: We are aware that Coop programs have different durations (e.g. 4, 8, 12, 16 month assignments)? How long was your Coop assignment with CBC and ideally how long would you have liked it to be? Why?

My internship lasted for 4 months, but I would have preferred it to be 8 months. It felt like it went by quickly, and I wished I had more time to work on projects and collaborate further with the team.

Q: What on the job learnings did you take away from your experience with CBC that helped you be more successful in completing your academic program?

Although I haven’t finished my academic program yet, one important lesson I’ve learned is the value of asking questions and not being afraid to admit it when I don’t know something. Asking questions is a crucial factor for personal growth and success.

Q: What advice would you give to students who are considering moving into an internship or Coop program?

Embrace an open mindset when entering a Coop program. While the primary goal is to gain technical experience, remember that Coops also offers a chance to explore potential career paths. Don’t hesitate to experiment and discover your interests. Moreover, if you have a specific career path in mind, consider working on side projects that align with it, allowing you to be well-prepared when applying for Coop positions. Always remember this is an opportunity for growth and learning, so stay confident and keep moving forward!

Q: What was the best advice you have ever received?

Be the first to initiate communication, especially in a collaborative setting. Introduce yourself to the team and fellow members, to get to know them. This is not only beneficial for networking but also for understanding others’ roles. Taking the initiative as an intern demonstrates confidence and a willingness to go the extra mile, a positive trait for a Coop student.

Q: What would you imagine to be the next role in your career progression plans?

During my internship, I worked as a Data Analyst. However, my goal for the following internship is to work as a Data Scientist. I’ve developed a keen interest in leveraging data for predictive purposes using machine learning techniques to enhance marketing strategies and influence business decisions. I already have experience working with Python, and I’m eager to improve my technical skills in this area further.

To join our teams at CBC, check out our current full-time openings here.

University of Waterloo students can view any CBC coop job postings here.

