Image credit: Illustration by Laura Geiser

Rebranding the CBD Industry

Jay El-Anis
CBD “Buzz”
Published in
5 min readOct 27, 2022


In the past few years, the term “CBD” has become a buzzword. Today, CBD-infused products and services are popping up everywhere. If you asked anyone on the street a couple of years ago about what they think of when they hear the word “CBD”, you would have gotten different answers depending on things like; that person’s social circles, lifestyle and sources of information. For the most part, though, there would have been some mention of cannabis. The general understanding now is that CBD is good for your body and mind because it gives you all kinds of benefits from reducing stress to soothing inflamed skin. So how did we get from there to here? Let’s take a look at how things changed in such a short period of time.

Who’s to blame for all the confusion about CBD?

The confusion surrounding CBD isn’t a new phenomenon. It actually dates back to the 1950s when the US government first started to make some noise about banning cannabis products. At the time, there was a lot of anecdotal evidence that cannabis could be helpful to people with a variety of medical issues. However, there was very little hard science to support these claims. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1960s that researchers started to take a closer look at cannabis. This was also around the same time that the first synthetic cannabinoids hit the market.

These regulations were meant to protect consumers by regulating the THC content of cannabis products

Once upon a time: the rise of THC-infused products

The synthetic cannabinoids that were hitting the market in the late 1960s and early 1970s were first marketed as a legitimate alternative to cannabis. Unfortunately, most of these products didn’t work. They were either unreliable or ineffective. The only people who really benefited from these types of products were the pharmaceutical companies that were producing them. As a result, consumers started to lose trust in the CBD industry. They didn’t know what to believe about this new class of products. Were these products really delivering the benefits that everyone was claiming? Were these products safe? In response to this lack of trust and understanding, many countries began passing laws that imposed strict regulation on cannabis products. These regulations were meant to protect consumers by regulating the THC content of cannabis products.

The “dark ages” of CBD

Unfortunately, many laws regulating the THC content of cannabis products also included CBD. Since CBD is often extracted from the same cannabis plants that are used to produce THC, some regulators assumed that CBD was just another form of THC. As a result, CBD was first regulated as a controlled substance in the early 1970s. CBD-specific state regulations in America were put in place in the 1980s. Unfortunately, these regulations created a “dark age” for all CBD products. Because they were classified as controlled substances, CBD products were only available from a handful of sources. These sources were only able to produce low-quality, low-potency products. To make things even more complicated, these products were often marketed as an alternative to medical cannabis.

Most importantly, people now understand that CBD is not the same thing as THC. This is a key distinction that has allowed the CBD industry to grow and thrive

Enter: the rebranding of CBD

Fortunately, the CBD industry has come a long way since the “dark ages’’ of the 1980s. Thanks to some recent rebranding efforts, the general public has started to understand what CBD is and what it does for your body and mind. Most importantly, people now understand that CBD is not the same thing as THC. This is a key distinction that has allowed the CBD industry to grow and thrive as a legitimate sector. In fact, CBD-infused products are becoming more popular than ever before. More and more consumers are discovering the benefits of this all-natural substance. These consumers are buying CBD products from an ever-growing list of locations. This includes everything from cannabis dispensaries to high-end beauty salons. In certain markets, CBD has become especially popular among salons and spas. In fact, a lot of these businesses have been re-branding themselves as “CBD salons” or “CBD spas”.

So, what does this mean for consumers?

All of these rebranding efforts have had a significant impact on the way consumers think about CBD. Now, when someone sees the word “CBD”, they think about healthy, glowing skin and happy thoughts. This has helped to create a sense of uniformity in the CBD industry. It has also helped to separate the legitimate CBD businesses from the snake oil salesmen. This can only be a good thing for consumers. It means that there are more options available to them than ever before. It also means that there are more opportunities for consumers to learn about this healthy substance and how it can benefit them. In the long run, it may also help to further separate the CBD industry from the cannabis industry. With more time and exposure, it’s possible that CBD could become its own industry.

These changes are intended to reflect the company’s commitment to providing only the highest quality CBD products and reinforce its reputation as a trusted authority on everything CBD.

And now; rebranding Orange County CBD

Since its inception in 2019, Orange County CBD has been one of the most reliable and trustworthy sources of CBD products, winning more consumer awards than other CBD brand. The company has always strived to provide its customers with the highest quality CBD products possible, and this commitment to excellence has paid off. In recent years, Orange County CBD has become one of the most popular brands in the CBD industry, and its products are now sold in thousands of locations across the UK and EU.

In an effort to further improve its brand’s position in the competitive CBD market, Orange County CBD has undergone a major rebrand. The company has changed its entire brand packaging, updated its logo, pivoted to focus the core of its products and content on the health and wellness industry, while elevating its position in the CBD space. These changes are intended to reflect the company’s commitment to providing only the highest quality CBD products and reinforce its reputation as a trusted authority on everything CBD.

Orange County CBD has also launched a new website, with the new site designed to be more user-friendly and focussed on the customer journey. The new site includes more detailed product information, testimonials, a new blog, and a faster, easier checkout process, with an improved product quiz, to help customers choose the right CBD product. This collectively helps Orange County CBD better connect with its customers and provide them with the information they need to make well-informed decisions about CBD products.

