How To Make CBD Oil at Home: The Perfect Step-By-Step Guide

Earth Mined
CBD Oil Resources
Published in
4 min readMar 25, 2019

by Earth Mined on March 25, 2019

How To Make CBD Oil at Home: The Perfect Step-By-Step Guide

As cannabidiol, better known as CBD, continues to grow in popularity due to its therapeutic effects, many are wondering how to make CBD oil. If you’re looking to make CBD oil in the comfort of your own home, here is the perfect step-by-step guide that requires simple tools and ingredients.

There are many ways to make CBD oil, but for this guide, we’ll focus on one of the most popular ways to make it at home: with olive oil. This is the perfect DIY method as almost everyone has olive oil stored in their cabinet and it doesn’t require the a lot of heavy manufacturing equipment. At the end of the day, any oil will work, but olive oil is a great choice because of its light taste that can be used a wide variety of instances. (Salad dressing, anyone?)

Step 1: Choose the Right Strain

To make the best CBD oil, it all starts with choosing the right strain. To ensure you are making CBD oil and not THC oil, choose a high-CBD strain of cannabis. There are many out there, but to throw out a few names, you can use Ringo’s Gift, ACDC or Dancehall. The main takeaway here is to make sure your strain has limited THC so that you are truly creating CBD oil.

Step 2: Decarboxylate Your Cannabis

The next step is to decarboxylate your Cannabis. Now, “decarboxylate” may sound like an intimidating process, but it’s actually quite simple and only requires an oven and baking materials you should already have. Why do you need to decarboxylate your Cannabis, you ask?

Long story short, our bodies cannot process the purest compounds of cannabis. To activate them, you’ll need to apply heat to your Cannabis for a certain amount of time so that you can fully enjoy the effects of CBD. Here is how you can decarboxylate your Cannabis at home:

  • Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and preheat the oven to 250˚F.
  • Divide your Cannabis into smaller parts and spread it all over your baking sheet.
  • Bake the Cannabis for about 30 minutes. The key here is to have it be slightly brown and crumbly, so don’t overcook or burn it.
  • Remove from the oven and once it’s cool, grind the Cannabis to a coarse grain. Do not make it into powder form.

Now that your Cannabis has gone through the decarboxylation process, it’s ready to be steeped in olive oil.

Step 3: Steeping in Oil

For this step, you’ll need to choose the right olive oil. It’s not recommended to use extra virgin olive oil as it doesn’t work well in high temperatures due to its low smoke point and can lead to a bad, bitter taste if heated too high. Therefore, it’s best to skip the EVOO and use a high quality non-extra virgin olive often labeled as “pure” or “classic” olive oil. Here is how to steep your Cannabis:

  • Equally mix water and olive oil in a saucepan and place your ground Cannabis in it. A good guideline is to have one gram of Cannabis for every two cups of oil.
  • Place your pan on a stove at low heat, stirring the mixture constantly to make sure it doesn’t get stuck to the bottom.
  • Gradually increase the heat until water begins to boil.
  • Once you’ve reached a boil, turn the heat down to a low boil of about 200˚F.
  • Keep stirring for about 30 minutes until the water evaporates and the cannabis has begun floating to the top. You’ll also know when it’s ready if the mixture has a brownish green color to it.

When steeping, it’s best to use a thermometer to hit the sweet spot temperature of 200˚F. It’s important that you do not reach 300˚F because your Cannabis will start to lose its essence, producing a CBD oil that is not potent.

Step 4: Separating The Oil

Now that your Cannabis has been soaking in the mixture releasing its CBD goodness, it’s time to separate the olive oil once your concoction cools off. This part is surprisingly very simple, requiring very little steps. Here’s how to go about:

  • Strain the mixture with either a fine mesh sieve, cheesecloth or coffee filter into a container of your choice.
  • If you’re using a cheesecloth or coffee filter, remember to squeeze your Cannabis to maximize the amount of oil in return.
  • Place the sealed container in the fridge for two hours minimum. When ready, take it out of the refrigerator and enjoy for use.

Voila! You just prepared CBD oil using tools that can be easily found at home. Whether you’re using it to make lotions or to add it to your next meal, making CBD oil at home is easy as pie.

The other option is you can purchase our 1000mg CBD Oil Tincture 😉😁


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Earth Mined
CBD Oil Resources

Based out of Oakland, CA, Earth Mined provides Full Spectrum CBD tincture. 100% USA grown hemp, certified lab tested, regulatory compliant, and non-GMO.