Is it Safe to Take CBD with Other Medications? CBD Drug Interactions Explained

Aaron Cadena
CBD Origin
Published in
5 min readApr 8, 2019


One of the biggest concerns we’ve come across are CBD drug interactions and if CBD is safe to take with other medications.

Considering the ambiguity of what’s really in some of these prescribed medications and how they work with the body compared to how Cannabidiol (CBD) works with the body, this is indeed a very concerning subject.

Due to the nature of chemical compounds, virtually every substance, including CBD, will interact with other substances. For instance, labels on a variety of prescription drugs will advise you to avoid grapefruit when taking the medication because it can significantly affect how the body metabolizes the drug.

While CBD can deliver a variety of health benefits and is safe to take with many medications, CBD can illicit problematic interactions with certain drugs

In this article, we’re going to explore several different CBD drug interactions and discuss important facts every CBD user should be aware of.

Note: Please be advised that findings are not always conclusive as further research upon the interaction of CBD with…



Aaron Cadena
CBD Origin

CBD enthusiast, passionate writer, and Editor in Chief at―the CBD community’s leading digital publication and online knowledge base.