CBE Leader Reaches New Heights

Amber GarrisonDuncan
Latest News in CBE
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

We are pleased to share news of network member’s accomplishments, but we are especially excited today. Join us in celebrating Dr. Laurie Dodge who has been promoted to executive vice chancellor and provost of University of Massachusets Global beginning April 1, 2022.

We would not be the university we are today without Laurie’s expertise. She led the establishment of competency-based programs, which are increasingly relevant to the students we serve. These self-paced programs, available online to students anywhere, are central to our work to make a college education more accessible to working people. All in all, Laurie has helped us to create more than 20 new degree programs of both the competency-based and credit-hour varieties.” Chancellor Gary Brahm, University of Massachusets Global

From L to R, Deb Bushway, Charla Long, and Laurie Dodge

If you are familiar with the origins of the Competency-Based Education Network, then you know the important role that Dr. Laurie Dodge played as the founding co-chair of C-BEN’s Board of Directors, a role that she faithfully served for a number of years. Dr. Dodge is as a national expert on CBE and co-authored the book, “A Leader’s Guide to Competency-Based Education: From Inception to Implementation.”

Laurie has spent countless hours advocating for students and educating peers, accreditors, foundations, and higher education groups about competency-based education as a way to create more equitable and relevant credentials. We tip our hat to you, Laurie, on this well deserved promotion and thank you for the years of service you have given to the movement.



Amber GarrisonDuncan
Latest News in CBE

Dr. Garrison Duncan is a proven catalyst with over 20 years of progressive leadership to scale postsecondary student success policies and practices.