CBNT live on TokenClub

CBNT Official
Published in
14 min readDec 27, 2018

We are glad to have a live on TokenClub, sharing some crypto ideas with TokenClub users, and also letting more people understand what CBNT is doing. CBNT like to cooperate with other partners and media to provide more to this market and we are hoping the market will get more mature some day and be recognized by more people.

Here are the content of the live, hope you can enjoy and if you have any different opinions on these topics, please leave a comment, and we do care how you think about that.

Hello, everyone. My name is Trenton Creamer and I cam currently calling in from Seattle, WA. It is currently 4 AM here so please excuse my sleepiness. I will start off with a short intro about myself. I was born and raised in here in Seattle, WA and graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Business Administration with a focus in Finance. I think went to work for the US Department of Defense (US Federal Government) as a Financial Analyst. I was then headhunted by a international private wealth management firm and came to work in China. I had actually studied abroad in Shanghai for about 3 months in college and always wanted to come back. Working at the private wealth management firm, I was then exposed to cryptocurrency. We had clients that wouldn’t stop talking about it which lead me to start researching it. From researching it I also started personally investing into it and further learning about it. This has lead my to working at a blockchain investment fund as an investment analyst. By analyzing and investing in projects from the very early seed stages to listing on exchanges, I have a good overall understanding of blockchain projects. I am also strategically located as a foreigner in China between both the local Chinese market and foreign blockchain markets. I am now using this expertise to help advise CBNT from beginning to end.

  1. Recently Bitcoin prices move during American hours. What do you think of that?

Yes, being in China can be difficult as there is a lot of price action during US times when we are asleep. The crypto markets are unique in the fact that they operate 24/7. As much as I would like to follow the markets all the time, it is pretty much impossible.

There is often major news that can be released in the US markets while we are asleeping. For example, new institutions entering the market from Wall Street and the Bitcoin ETF decision are all related US-related news, which means the breaking news would most likely be released when we are sleeping. The only thing I can do to safeguard myself against any major news or market movements is stop-loss orders. I normally set stop loss orders just in case the markets fall out while we are asleep. I have already had my stop losses triggered multiple times this quarter which save my significant amount of money.

I also think CBNT will be unique in the fact that it will have users both in the foreign markets and Chinese markets. With most blockchain platforms, there is a pretty big disconnect with the two. However, with the CBNT platform, I believe it will serve as a better medium for information to flow between markets quickly.

2.Nasdaq says 2019 to go online bitcoin futures, have you seen this news? What do you think?

Yes, I have seen this news. I think it is huge that NASDAQ, the second largest stock exchange in the world, is preparing to launch bitcoin futures. Not only this, but they are teaming up with Van Eck to do so. Van Eck has been working hand in hand with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to bring about new standards in custody and surveillance. They are bringing to market what they call a 2.0 crypto-futures contract. They will be leveraging Nasdaq’s stock markets surveillance system, called SMARTS, as well as the trusted pricing benchmarks provided by MVIS. SMARTS is a software hosting hundreds of detection algorithms designed to automatically pick-up on suspicious market activity such as spoofing and wash trading, AKA it is designed to pick up a lot of the obvious problems in the bitcoin markets.

With this upgraded version of the crypto-futures contract, they are addressing two of the SEC’s primary concerns about custody and surveillance. Succesful implementation of these futures contacts can further pave the way for the Bitcoin ETF approval. The futures are expected to launch Q1 2019, with the ETF approval pending for the end of February.

This is all good signs and shows that cryptocurrency is really beginning to mature. This can also pave the way for more institutional and retail investors.

3.What are the differences on crypto market between China and the foreign countries?

One of the main differences between the Chinese crypto community and foreign crypto community is the amount of freedom we have when it comes to posting content. For example, there are taboo or “off limit” topics when it comes to Chinese circles. However, in the foreign markets, you are pretty much free to post anything that you want.

Another major difference is the location where these circles are. Pretty much all of the foreigners use, bitcointalk, Steemit, Twitter, Medium, Telegram and a few others. As most of these sites are blocked in China, they have either developed or use their own platforms. Major platforms in China are WeChat, TokenClub, Bihu

There also tends to be a delay in information flow between Chinese and Foreign markets. I often see Chinese specific news that does not make it into mainstream foreign media and vice versa. I believe that CBNT will play a crucial role in bridging these two worlds together. CBNT will be one of the few apps that will bridge the foreign and Chinese markets together.

4. When it comes to crypto investment, what are the differences on people’s concern between Chinese investors and foreign investors?

After experiencing and investing in both markets, I can say that there is a very high level of speculation in China. The most important aspect of an investment is being able to sell it to someone else at a higher price. I have seen people speculate on clear scams just because they believed they could make money on it. Investments in China often lack transparency and complete information like full team profiles or a whitepaper. However, Chinese investors will still invest if they think they can lock profits.

In the foreign markets, there are also a large amount of speculation and making money is the clear goal, but they also deeply care about all of the other aspects of a project. Foreign investors like to see projects with transparency and complete information. A strong team, whitepaper, and idea are often minimum requirements to consider an investment. The vision or “dream” of a project is often what a lot of foreign investors buy into. Although, investments like Bitcoinnect can also blind foreigners with promises of high returns

There is definitely different mentailites when it comes to investing. However, basic human emotions of fear and greed can be seen in both markets. It is human nature to quickly move from irrational exuberance (overly bull market) to extreme pessimism (overly bearish market)

5.What fields/information are you interested in? Where do you get this information?

The information that I most care about is investment related information. I care most about news that will affect crypto prices. This could be project specific news or bigger news like the upcoming Bitcoin ETF decision.

I am extremely careful about where I get my information. Crypto is a world where there is a lot of selling and people trying to promote their own projects/coins. It actually took me a long time to find reliable news sources. There are news sources like coindesk that I go to for more mainstream news. However, for project specific or market related news, I normally go to a select few influencers I believe in and follow them on Twitter, Discord or Telegram, etc. I also believe that CBNT can be a trusted news source in the future. On CBNT, I will be able to follow content creators that I trust or belive in after following their work. Often times, what I have found with crypto news is that major news will be circulated through KOLs and more organic media sources first. This is often before it hits major news sources. CBNT can be one of these sources in the future.

6. What’s CBNT, and why you think it’s a decent project?

CBNT (Create Breaking News Together) is a decentralized blog based on blockchain technology and an ecosystem model of DPGC (Decentralized Professional Generated Content). CBNT has a unique model of “participating is mining” in which writing content, liking and commenting all counts towards mining. The easiest way to explain the project is that it is like an updated version of Steemit that has ties to the local Chinese market.

I truly believe in CBNT becaus it is providing real value to its users and is already a proven business model. Projects like bihu and steemit so the huge potential success. We are already following an already proven model and updating it to make it even more competitive. CBNT’s Chinese DApp has recently been released and we are proud to already have 100,000 K registered users. The fact we have already on-boarded so many users in a short amount of time is a testament to the benefit the platform can provide, and this is without us hitting the foreign market yet. Participating as mining, montized advertsiing with 100 % benefits to users (caibao room) and the fact it will eventually be ran as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, which gives voting rights to the users, are all different benefits that seperate us from our competitors. Backed by a world class and dedicated team, I really believe inthe project.

7. What kind of project CBNT is and what’s your job in CBNT?

As I have been a blockchain investment analyst for quite some time, I have a pretty trained eye when it comes to spotting good projects. With my understanding of blockchain projects, my responsibities for CBNT are wide ranging. I will be advising the project all the way from whitepaper design to tokenomics to listing. With that said, my main focus will be promotion in the overseas market. As my focus is typical on overseas projects, I have a good understanding of the basic fundamentels that allow overseas projects to succeed. I will be helping CBNT launch in the overseas market. This includes things like webdesign, business strategies and strategic partnerships.

A few of our most recent strategic partnerships which I am excited about are our partnerships with Oath Protocol and Quarkchain. Oath Protocol is a a dispute resolution protocol. For example, if we have someone producing content and breaking the rules like posting fake or inappropriate content, the content can be flagged by users. Oath Protocol can act a sa netural third party to solve the dispute. Another recent strategic partnership is Quarkchain, which is a quicker and more flexible blockchain. Quarkchain will help us lower gas fees which will allow us to do things like post videos in the future, improve speeds and provide an overall better customer experience.

8. Will CBNT only focus on blockchain? and what’s the plan in the future?

As we have a very unique business model of participating as mining, it is a hard concept for people to grasp if they are not familiar blockchain. For this reason, we are mainly sticking with the blockchain and finance fields initially. For people within the industry, it is more apparant the innovations and opportunity that we are offering for the model. This will help us attract our first initial user base and the word can spread from there. However, we do understand the value to opening up to other areas of discussion. For example, in the Chinese DAPP, we have the xiaowen which is a little more free for users to write.

As far as the English version, we are taking a different strategy. In the foreign market, users are familiar with Steemit and other platform so it will be a concept that they can quickly adapt to. We also have done extensive market research on current market competitors and found that other platforms often have other categories that far exceed just the blockchain and cryptocurrency topics. For these reasons, the foreign version will be more open at the beginning. We have a wide range of the most popular topics that users will be available to write about. We believe this will vastly open up our user base which will be beneficial for all market participants. We also believe that by opening up the categories, we are helping the blockchain industry grow and mature as a while. This coule be a great gateway where someone who is a non-crypto person can then become familar. This is the kind of adoption we need for the whole industry to mature.

9. Is there any shortages on CBNT, and if yes, how to improve?

As CBNT is a startup blockchain project, we are going through the normal growth pains. We appreciate our users that report any kind of bug to us and we have a team of dedicatied engineers that work as fast as possible to fix any bugs and improve user experience. We value our users to provide us recommendations for improvements to better the community as a whole.

Another shortage that we have been working hard to improve is the blockchain that we are currently using. CBNT is currently built on ethereum which just isn’t cutting it for what we want to do. With CBNT’s unique mining model, we will record a large amount of transaction on chain. Ethereum is currently both too slow and expensive to do everything we want to do. For example, we would like the ability to post videos, but it would simply be too expensive to do so right now. We also have a unique token-lock function with our wallet that will need too many gas fees being on Ethereum.

We have luckily been talking to top next-generation blockchains and are planning to work with Quarkchain. Quarkchain is probably the most famous ICO of 2018 and they have been doing a phenomenal job. Their testnet has speeds of up to 14K+ TPS and they plan to hit 100K TPS on their mainnet. Not only this but the fees will be much much smaller than Ethereum. We plan to later migrate to quarkchain when their mannet is released. This will vastly improve our customers experience and further our goal of making CBNT a truly decentralized project.

10、It’s reported that it will be still be a cold winter in 2019, do you think it’s good or bad? Is there any plan for such a situation for CBNT, and what’s your opinion?

I actually disagree that next year will be that cold of a winter. We have had an extremely bad bear market this year and everything acts in waves. Markets quickly can turn from irrational exuberance to extreme pessimism within a year! The markets have had a solid bounce this week and it appears we have either hit the bottom or are getting very close to it. Crypto markets are more mature, there are major events coming up next year and valuations have come down to very low levels. I acutally think the markets are currently oversold and overly bearish. I believe that next year will be a slow year of recovery but I wouldn’t call it a deep winter. There are too many positive big events coming up for that. For example, new institutional interest and the possible bitcoin ETF approval

Even if we do have a prolonged crypto winter, CBNT is well prepared to weather it. CBNT is adequately funded and is focusing on building an organic user base. We believe that the next generation of crypto projects need to provide real world value and have a strong user base. The fact that CBNT has on-boarded so many customers at the bottom of a bear market is testament to that. By building a strong project that people actually use, this will be naturally be building us up for success. We have a business model that has seen success before (Steemit, Bihu). This is opposed to many new blockchain projects and models that are still unproven.

Also, CBNT is making itself more competitive by giving more to its users. Things like the caibao room provide real benefits to users and is something that is rarely seen in projects. Not only this, but the project will be eventually ran as a decentralized autonomaous organization. This simply means that by holding the CBNT token in the future, you can have a say on the direction of the company. This will put the overall decisions of the company in the best interst of its users. By giving back more to our users we hope to grow a loyal user base.

11.Why are projects failing and what will it take for them to succeed going forward?

I think that in the bear market we are going to see a lot of projects failing. There are actually many projects without adequate funding not being able to operate. One of these reasons is they held their ICO ETH and did not sell it only for it to be worth a fraction of what it was before. The other reason is unrealistic expectations. Many of these projects have new teams and ambitious goals. Often these projects were funded with nothing but a whitepaper. A lot of these project will fail which is already being seen with coins losing trading volume and interest. I think this is all part of growing pains with an emerging asset class. Moving forward, projects will have to offer more to succeed.

I truly believe that CBNT will be on the leading edge of projects going forward. Projects will have to offer more real-world value. This means project tokenomics need to make sense and the project needs a real use case. The fact that CBNT already has 5k active users each day is a testament to how useful the dapp is. Also, CBNT is implementing many things like monetized advertising and the “cao bao” room to give tangible benefits to users. CBNT is creating real value for its users and is giving as much back to them as possible.

12、There are lots KOL in crypto, which one you prefer and why?

There are already quite a few KOLs, but I would argue there is still a lack of high-quality KOLs. This is an emerging industry and still not very developed. The quality of content being presented can be of greatly varying quality with often huge conflicts of interest. This is a huge problem in the foreign industry where KOLs are often simply bought out or receive huge fees for reviewing projects and writing articles. There is actually a large lash back from the overseas crypto community with many KOLS and influencers promoting bad ICO projects with investors getting burnt. It was later found out that many of them were paid huge fees for writing content about them that was never disclosed. Platforms like CBNT are great for potential new and existing KOLs to showcase their work. On the CBNT platform, it is a simple market system where the user base will pretty much determine who is providing high quality work. I believe that CBNT can be a medium where new KOLs can be born and a platform where established KOLs can find a new user base.

📝 CBNT is a decentralized media model for its participating is mining model, and benefit sharing consensus.

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