‘Advertise and Apply’ to ‘Find and Engage’

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2 min readJul 2, 2018

The recruitment industry is a dynamic one. Moving out with the old such as advertise and apply, this industry is moving into advance technology and data science. This has in fact, remodeled into the ‘Find and Engage’ strategy. This is fairly a simple and robust approach which puts recruiting and search for talent at heart.

This is obviously a two way street. ‘Find’ is basically using data science analytics and AI driven tools to disparage talent pools to find the right kind of skills for the requirement. In this way, companies and organizations can use these data sets, filter and match the candidates accordingly. ‘Engage’ as the name suggests, involves engagement along with the candidates first hand priorities and aspirations as a successful outcome.

This is extremely beneficial for organizations because this gives rise to many other important aspects in this field such as use of VR, AR and AI candidate screening. Incorporating these effective tools eradicates cumbersome candidate seeking and screening and improves time management. Any passive candidate today could mean a new employee tomorrow and job seekers and organizations now actively use social media platforms to enthrall with one another.

In conclusion, ‘Find and Engage’ is a strategy that most of the big hirers are implementing. Building talent pools according to skills, domain and ratings and engaging in a good rapport with the potential candidate is what recruiting is all about. In fact, the most vital organ in this industry.

