Have you checked your AQ yet?

Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018

The Athena Quotient or AQ Assessment is a pre-employment used by organizations. This helps them hire the best candidates. But the AQ assessment is different from the other assessments. First off, it’s more an evaluation than a test so there is no pass or fail result. It’s versatile, smooth and easy to incorporate. This assessment measures or assesses the most vital factor needed for an organization. They are good judgment and decision making. These factors are most important apart from personality, technical and social skills.

So this assessment takes on skill competencies and efficient processing into consideration. The algorithms are built on tactical norms and long term factors relating to work and life environments. If your candidate make good judgments and decisions then that puts the team and the company in a vulnerable spot. This is variably decreasing the cost as well, because this is determined to reduce sessions for training, learning, research and development.

So in other words, this is a very accurate measurement for an exceptional hire, especially for enriched industries such as healthcare, pharma, banking and finance, IT, skilled and niche IT, criminal, legal, education, military and athletic too.

