Have you upgraded your talent pool yet?

Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2018

Talent pools are nothing but a database where recruiters and hiring teams keep all of their top candidates for various jobs. Talent pools are not only for a company’s best candidates but also keep a track of sourcing teams, referrals, etc. Talent pools are easily accessible at any time when the need for hiring arises.

Why talent pools you may ask?

Well, firstly talent pools reduce the cost and time of the recruitment process. Recruiters and hiring teams can save time this way, instead of sourcing for a new bunch of candidates to fill in the position. Since the talent pool only consists of the very best of the candidates, accessing them will ensure only quality candidates. Due to the consistent access to a particular talent pool, this brings out talent engagement. This means that the hiring team keeps constant touch with the candidates, it keeps them engaged. Talent engagement is just as necessary as a talent pool because if the candidates lose interest in the job then it’s pointless that they remain there. If talent engagement is endorsed, then it ensure he right hire for the job undoubtedly. Last but not the least, since recruiting is now a candidate and data driven experience, it is mandatory to maintain a talent pool. The data that is fed into the ATS and several other software that is used by the organization runs on the said metrics. For AI and pricing engines to work, accurate data and information must be keyed in. Therefore, talent pools help keep a track of all the hires, filtered through skills, location, industry/ domain and rating.

So we’ve seen why we need talent pools, but how do we source for them?

That’s easy. The best way to acquire talent pools is through social media. Plenty ways to also source for candidate pools are through inbound recruiting strategies, ATS, sourcing tool extensions, HR/ recruiting blogs and forums, employee networks and resume search engines. Inbound recruiting is becoming one of the hottest strategies in recruitment now. Inbound recruiting can pursue employer branding as well.

In conclusion, talent pools are now playing a major role and influence in the recruitment process. It proactively speeds the way recruiters and hiring teams pick their candidates. So, are you ready to dip your feet in a talent pool yet? Don’t think twice to do so.

