The impact of teamwork on Organisational Productivity.

Published in
1 min readJul 17, 2018

“Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people” — Steve Jobs.

Following from last week’s feature on teamwork, let’s figure how much of an impact teamwork is to organizational productivity. Teamwork is as old as mankind. Working as a group increases cohesion and trust with each other but most importantly to an organization it increases productivity. Working as a team endorses 9 specific kinds of people that contributes to productivity and performance. They are innovators, resource investigators, coordinators, shapers, monitor evaluators, helpers, implementers, completers and specialists. Each of these individuals have a role that they need to carry out. Each of these functions make up for a successful team and enhance performance.

Teamwork leads to efficient and shared thinking commonly known as ‘Team thinking’. So basically a sum of individual efforts that collectively yield output.

