The Recruitment Landscape

Tara C
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2022

The trends in the recruitment industry are changing so rapidly that it might be worth taking a bird’s eye view of the landscape and focusing on what is most critical for a recruiter directly.

In that, Kevin Wheeler’s well-written blog throws light on a number of trends that he predicts will come to pass or not. These include work from home, the challenges around hiring and retaining younger employees, internal mobility etc.

For a recruiter though, it might be worth stressing on two of these. One is around the Recruitment Process Outsourcing, which he believes will remain crucial for 2022. He speaks about the annual growth rate being as high as 18%, which will be the driving factor for RPOs. While their usage is not new, RPOs are investing in technology and talent intelligence, that internal talent acquisition can simply not match up to. CBREX’s machine learning algorithms, for instance, makes it possible for enterprises to engage with hundreds of firms of all sizes to fill all its talent requirements by engaging hundreds of vendors in a fraction of the time and with the ease of one invoice.

The other is Talent Intelligence, which will make sourcing easier. A part of this requires a recruiter to understand where the right talent is located. This is a recruiter’s dream and quite possible with tech-based platforms like CBREX that enable talent acquisition heads or recruiters to network with talent sitting across the world. A firm hiring in the US can work with a recruiter in Singapore and end up finding talent in the UK for instance. This has been successfully done on multiple counts and quite successfully.

Irrespective of whether these are true for the year, that is, these trends are here to stay and even shift the ground from under the industry’s feet. The sooner firms adapt their processes, the faster and more likely they are to remain ahead of the curve.

