Humility in Leadership

Tae Lewis
CBU Worship Studies
3 min readDec 2, 2019

When being a great worship leader, it causes you to not only consider having awesome vocals or effective skills as a musician. A great leader of worship has many facets to ministry. Of course, no leader is perfect or will excel at every part of leadership in ministry. However, God honors the improvement that each leader makes to progressively carry the torch. This calls for much prayer and quality time with God.

Humility is one of the key aspects that worship leaders constantly struggle with when being the forefront every week. As a worship leader, it’s easy to become prideful because of the congregation telling you how great you are. As a worship leader, you must remember that leading worship is a privilege, and not a right. The pastor could be moved to take you from the forefront at any time. As a former worship leader, I have seen many worship leaders who begin to lead worship at worldwide churches. However, their life is steadily stagnant. They began to become jealous of the others whom they share the stage with instead of encouraging them to become a better worship leader. This causes animosity towards the team. As a result, words may seem to be exchanged throughout the church or at other churches, which causes non-members to come to the ministry. Through all of this, we have to remember to remain humble for God to direct our paths for us.

Humility is also mentioned several times within the Bible. It explains how God desires us to manifest this quality inside of our lives. Humility is characterized in the Scriptures as a sign of gratitude while having a lack of arrogance. God calls us to be humble servant leaders so that we can believe in the wisdom and promises that God has directed to us. One significant verse that is often spoken about is Proverbs 3:5. It says to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” When we desire to trust in the Lord, we are being humble to listen to someone and not ourselves. This helps us avoid temptation of believing in the physical things of the world while deceiving things such as lust or vanity. Proverbs 22:4 gives us also a deeper understanding of how fearing the Lord will give us commands of truth and love upon our daily walk with him. Therefore, it is very critical that we focus on him and not love ourselves in the mindset of the sinful world.

With humility come various interpretations of it. Most philosophers see humility as a type of tradition that is in a form of narcissism, which has caused them to have an extrinsic side to them. In fact, some philosophers such as considered humility to be a form of weakness to the American society that prevented you from becoming your best potential. However, God sees humility as a way of being yourself and giving more of yourself rather than the other person. When we reflect on things God had done for us, it explains understanding of the cross. God died for our sins and sacrificed his life to save us where we already dead in our trespasses. We should acknowledge the fact if God has sacrificed and showed signs of being humble, we should humble ourselves in being the virtue of humility so that we may receive the kingdom of Heaven.

