The Holy Spirit & Worship

Tae Lewis
CBU Worship Studies
3 min readJan 23, 2020

When it comes to corporate worship, the Holy Spirit plays a vital role that should be implemented for the work of God to appear. The Holy Spirit gives reverence for us to have a covenant relationship with God and for it to also create a sanctuary of people to make his presence known so it can unify the members. Throughout this post I will speak about the work of the Holy Spirit and how corporate worship is involved within it.

Old Testament

Within the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit was very prominent throughout the time of corporate worship. We see the Holy Spirit being spoken in action through many parables of the prophets that God ordained to be a savior for his people, as well as showing us how corporate worship should be developed throughout the time of worship. For example, with Joshua, God ordained him with great leadership skills and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Throughout corporate worship, God has placed us to have wisdom on whom we serve and how to serve them in time of need.

Holy Spirit Enables Corporate Worship

The awesome thing about the Holy Spirit is that it enables itself to prosper and to be effective during corporate worship. Ephesians 2:18 say “for through him we can have access by the spirit unto the Father.” So God has given us the wisdom to have access to worship him through our way of the Holy Spirit. It also gives us direction and empowerment to understand our way of being able to worship the Father during our time of prayer and Worship. Romans 8:26 say the spirit helps our infirmities for we do not know what we should pray for but the spirit begins to proceed with intercession for us so that we can worship him and praise him in spirit and in truth.” So when we worship our savior, we must know he already given us the spirit to proceed for us during that time. The Holy Spirit also allows us as worship leaders to prepare for corporate worship on the next following Sunday service. It allows us to understand and learn how we can incorporate the Holy Spirit within the service without implementation on our own strength.

The Spirit Unifies

The Holy Spirit also gives us unification towards our purpose in corporate worship. As we notice in mega-churches, many nationalities are coming together to worship the father in unity while having an understanding of who and why we worship the father together. When we think about unity, it doesn’t come naturally by ourselves. For such things relate to unification in our outside world. However, when the spirit is involved, it forms a unity that brings us together with a common goal. An example of bringing Unification Is reading God’s word to the congregation. When we read from Word of God, it enables the congregation to follow the direction of what the bible is asking us to do without any hesitation. As worship leaders, we can implement these principles during our time of worship to assist the congregation in following the unification of the Holy Spirit.

Sanctifies our Individual Worship.

When we begin to worship our Savior, we have to come to him boldly with clean hands and a pure heart. God sees our heart and our struggles before we come to him. However, we as individuals must honor the savior by coming to him with that clean heart so that we may able to receive him. We must also acknowledge the Holy Spirit plays a pivotal role on how we should receive him through our time of worship as individuals.

