Worship Leader’s Theology

Alex Ortiz
CBU Worship Studies
3 min readJul 13, 2020
Photo by Carolyn V on Unsplash

Something that is so interesting with our day and age is that we are now a people that do not take the time to open up the scriptures as much as we should. Although this might be the case, I have found that as I get older and more mature in my days as a worship leader I realize how important it is to understand and know your theology as a worship leader. From discipling others to simply leading worship for the congregation on a Sunday morning, there is an importance that needs to be put on our theology. It is important for us to take the time and open up the word of the Lord

In the church, we now invite people who have some talent to come onstage and become the worship leaders. But not always do these people take the time to be deep in the word. They do not take time to study scriptures and work on their theology. Many churches find that worship can feel empty and without substance because of the fact that their worship leaders are not studying the Word.

Importance of Theology

  1. The more you study the Word, the more you will understand your worship.

If you do not take the time as a worship leader to understand your theology and study who God is, you will never be able to understand how to worship Him properly. If you never got to know your spouse/significant other, you would never understand how to love that person. In that same respect, we will not be able to worship and love our God whom we do not know. That is the first thing that we need to realize as Worship Leaders, that we need to take the time to deliberately understand our Savior. We not only understand who we worship when we study scripture, but we also begin to find out the reason behind why we worship. This is so important because of the fact that we will know our purpose for worshipping and we therefore can teach our congregation the reasons as well.

2. Your knowledge helps you instruct others

As your theology becomes clearer, you will begin to teach others outside of just the worship sets. With a strong theology, your crafting of worship sets will all of a sudden become polished and concise and also help teach the congregation who God is in the process of the worship set. We do not want the only thing that people learn about God to be only within the words that are in the songs that we are singing, but rather that your leadership would be complimented by the lyrics in the songs.

3. Your Theology is Honoring to God

If we have a clear theology by knowing the Lord and studying His word, our worship will be honoring to Him. We have the possibility to dishonor the Lord if we do not fully understand and have a clear Theology. That is insane to think about, that while we are attempting to Glorify the Lord and make Him known to the Earth, if we do not take the correct steps as worship leaders we could dishonor Him in the process. This is such an important part of being a worship leader, we must make sure that we are taking the time to honor the Lord in the correct ways.


As we continue as worship leaders it can be so easy to have a rockstar mindset and want to just be completely people who are focused on the music aspect. We want to be those who are focused on the theology aspect of our faith and we must be leaders who study the word in order to Honor the Lord well through our Worship.

