Worship Service Planning

Tae Lewis
CBU Worship Studies
4 min readApr 6, 2020

As a Worship Pastor or leader of some sort in ministry, you will find there are many positives as well as negatives with preparation of any sort for worship. However, say for instance the Pastor has desired you to prepare worship this Sunday. Within your mind, you may be wondering “what can I do to prepare myself for this Sunday?”


Preparing yourself for Sunday worship is not easy. However, there are many ways to improve your standards on how to implement a powerful and moving worship service. Within this blog I will guide you with tips on how Worship Planning has evolved in my way of thinking when it comes to planning for every future Sunday.

As worship planners, we may have a daunting task of placing the correct amount of songs or even implementing the right way of welcoming individuals for a time of worship. In a positive manner, we are shaped like warriors or priests. We shape the way of people’s prayers towards God. As we shape our choices of scriptural readings, we have the opportunity to also influence God’s people with spiritual goodness that can feed them for the rest of their lives.

The Planning Process

Now, let’s move towards the planning process of worship.

1. Preparation & Meditation.

This part of the process is extremely crucial to worship as well as the church body. Without any time of meditation with God, we tend to lack God being apart of the preparation process. In this process, I allow myself at least a day or two throughout the week of prayer and mediation for God to be able to minister what he is trying to convey to the people through me on that particular Sunday.

During this time, God may also convey messages for me to address through song so that we are being sensitive to not only him but also to the body of Christ. Many worship Pastors or worship leaders tend to neglect the process of learning the congregation and what is best for the flock. We have to embrace the congregation’s actions as a way of learning what is best for the body.

2. Connecting With Your Pastor

Next, I usually connect with the Pastor on what God has given me to spread to the church on that particular Sundays as well as desiring to hear what elements of preaching he may render through that following Sunday. Connecting with the Pastor is a vital process. It not only gives you and your pastor time to connect but it also gives the pastor time to give feedback on what God may have interpreted to him.

3. Brainstorm! Brainstorm! Brainstorm!

After getting the approval from the Pastor, I begin to operate under “My Planning Center” to figure out which songs we could incorporate that we have recently used or have used in the past. I also try to implement at least 2 new songs every 4 months for the congregation to learn as well as valuing a time of teaching them through whatever specific song may be addressed. I also try to implement songs that would pertain to the specific message the Pastor would convey on that Sunday morning.

4. Rehearsal

Rehearsal is essential for each and every individual who may be singing or playing an instrument that week. Whether they are there or not, it is vital for them to know the information for Sunday morning so that Sunday can flow as smooth as possible. During rehearsal, I recommend that each person ask questions so that everyone knows exactly what will be conducted that Sunday.


If you haven’t noticed, there is a sequence of order of leadership I am using each week that keeps the church at its structure. Without structure it can sometimes come with repercussions. If your church does not have a structured pattern, think for a moment on what could happen if there was structure and consider asking questions or proceeding with comments when knowing how to plan a detailed service. If you by chance utilize these tools, It will not only cause you to be structured, it will give you an assurance on how to be structured in your everyday life skills.

