Photo by Jean-Philippe Defaut

All we have is now. A personal story about purpose and core values.

Maïa C. Carpenter, CPCC, PCC
CC Partners
Published in
5 min readDec 20, 2022


“You can’t move forward without being vulnerable.”

“Failure, weakness, and vulnerability is like a connector… it connects you to the rest of the world because what you’re doing is giving out a signal to the world that says I need you because I can’t do this by myself.” — Phil Stutz

A few weeks ago I was let go as part of a 9% company layoff. In the wake of losing my job and livelihood, I was burnt out and grieving not only for the impact of the work I was doing, but for my purpose and the connection with my team. That said, I understand that companies constantly need to adapt to changing market conditions and often, those pivots can be painful. We cannot expect these pivots, nor look forward to them, but even the most painful ones can lead to tremendous growth. After a few weeks of physical and emotional rest, I found that I was surprisingly energized instead of fearful.

What was different about this particular job loss was that I had something just as important, perhaps more important, to focus on. I quickly overcame the anxiety of losing my job as the primary income provider of my family. Being free to redirect my energy to parenting and my own business was my parachute. Before going into this role scaling and leading a global team, I had a thriving business that I put on pause. I had done this by choice to grow and learn over time with a large team. Now, I want and need to move forward. For the first time, instead of letting my inner critic spin out of control with anxiety, I feel grounded, creative and driven. This has led me to think about what has changed in my life since the last time I experienced a layoff. Two things: I became a parent and I’ve been running my certified leadership coaching and consulting business for over 5 years.

As a parent to a young child, I’m no longer 100% focused on myself. I’m honored and inspired by this little person and the life partner that have chosen me to share their lives with. Everything is now guided by what is best for us, not me. It’s especially important for our toddler that my partner and I co-create the best possible environment for them to grow and develop into a naturally creative, resourceful and integrated adult that will have an impact in this world. They are a constant reminder for us to be better humans.

“It is impossible for you to go on as you were before, so you must go on as you never have.” — Cheryl Strayed

My work as a parent has also deepened my commitment to my clients. As a leadership coach, I’m grateful to witness and co-actively participate in change and transformation with my clients. They challenge me and we metaphorically nourish each other. We create long relationships by being fully present, free of distractions from the day-to-day grind. It is a gift to be in the presence of someone in the process of transformation.

Be-ing a coach loosened my grip on the impossibly high bar I’ve always set for myself. This be-ing (and do-ing) over time, builds resonance. When I was training to become a certified coach, I was asked to articulate my life purpose and core values. I did this in a group with other trainees, my mentors and coaches. It was during this assignment that inevitably, I had an aha moment. My purpose is to elevate leadership in others by coaching, mentoring and advising so that they in turn can enable others to succeed. All the pieces of my life’s journey finally made sense! I had a map all along, I just wasn’t conscious of it. Now, over 5 years later my life’s purpose and values have a new depth and breadth that is continually integrating into all aspects of my life. I’m bursting with creativity and forward movement.

“In uncertain times you don’t need more certainty, you need more creativity. The only certainty you have in life is your ability to serve and your ability to create.” — Rich Litvin

In this moment of freefall and reading so many stories in the media about job loss, it is the continual process of honoring my core values and living my life purpose that keeps me moving forward.

Discovering one’s purpose and values help to lay the foundation for the work I do with my coaching clients over longer periods of time. Typically, I work with clients for a minimum of a year, but given the urgency of finding a new job or changing careers, I wanted to offer something a bit shorter and more action-oriented.

When you know your life purpose and core values you have more inner peace and confidence. As a result of being authentic and more secure with yourself, people will take you more seriously. You will be able to build trust more easily. Imagine for a moment how your increased confidence and presence will impact your opportunities for growth, career development and compensation.

Discover your Purpose and Core Values Coaching

What if…

  • in a few hours, we could start you moving forwards?
  • you used your new purpose and core values towards a greater good?
  • you presented yourself with clarity and authenticity to potential employers?
  • you use all of your powers and strengths to be the best version of yourself?
  • you could have a greater impact in the world?
  • you could make better decisions?
  • you integrated be-ing with do-ing?

What is this?

This coaching package has been specifically designed to support you moving forwards from either your job dissatisfaction or a recent job loss.

How will we do this?

We’ll work together over 2–3 sessions to identify your life purpose and define your core values. We then create an action plan for how you’ll use them to move forwards.

Your investment

  • Time to complete a short discovery questionnaire
  • 150 minutes by phone/audio call over 2–3 sessions
  • $1000 (discounted 40% from $2500 up until December 31, 2022)

Schedule Now



Maïa C. Carpenter, CPCC, PCC
CC Partners

Elevating Leadership: Executive Coach, Executive Operations Strategy and Administrative Team Design, Carpenter Consulting Partners, Inc.