Technically Wrong

Andy Shimmin
CCA IxD Thesis Writings
1 min readDec 1, 2017

Technically Wrong by Sara Wachter-Boettcher is a book that mentions the elephant in the over-crowded design room: Ideas and products that are technically (ethically, morally) wrong. Reading through all of these kept my attention heightened throughout, as you see the examples of poor UX she mentions almost everywhere. I’m sure at some point this book will be critiqued as technically wrong as well.

Thinking about each chapter in terms of my thesis, though, forced me to rethink some of the decision I was planning on making. In a field such as learning, often self learning (autodidacts) it can get ethically muddled very fast. On a less severe scale, I’ve seen how easily a simple design mistake can make someone go from confused to frustrated. I think my biggest hurdle will be how to leverage online learning resources without having it fuel everyone’s already healthy screen addiction. If I’m for getting out of the screen and doing something with your hands, I’m going to have to think extra hard about how to make screen time be savored.

