What will I research and write about?

CCA IxD Thesis Writings
1 min readSep 22, 2017


Mind Map

As a practicing buddhist & person who has regular therapy sessions, I have a lot of experience around mindfulness and meditation, and how it is beneficial to mental and physical health. In addition to my thesis I will be working on a project with the Art of Living foundation, which focuses on meditation and mindfulness as ways to achieve happiness, together with Andres in my Design for Social Good class. My parents have been practicing Nichiren buddhism as a part of the Soka Gakkai International buddhist organization, and I’ve grown up with this philosophy and practice and have a lot of knowledge around it, but I’m also curious about the other kinds of mindfulness and meditation that people practice. M&M (let me call it that bc its kinda long to type) has also been trending in tech, with the rise of meditation apps (HelloMind, HeadSpace, Sattva), the Apple watch incorporating breathing exercises, and people like Tristan Harris and his ideas on Time Well Spent.

M&M encompasses a huge chunk of the thesis ideas in my previous post, and I’m liking how I can go broad or specific on it, at least for now. πŸŽ‰

