Money from Heaven

Published in
24 min readNov 12, 2018

By Chung-Chen Chen

This story is an English translation for the 天國來的鈔票


This is a devout country, people from the heart believe that the king is god’s agent, and the only communication between human and god.

Of course, this is also a country where all people believe in the same religion, worship the same god, the supreme god Fala.

In this country, people use paper money just like we do. People carry some money out with them every day when they buy something and use it when they need it.

But no one knows where the money comes from, and few think about it. However, curious children always ask this question.

No one answers such questions deliberately, but many people believe that money comes from heaven and is one of god’s gifts for people to buy what they want.

They don’t know where the money comes from, but that doesn’t stop them from using it, and it doesn’t stop them from doing business.

There is only one exception, and that is the king.

The king was the only one in the whole country who knew where the money came from. Every morning he got up and thought about how much money he needed to spend today, what he bought, who he paid, and so on.

Then the king would open a machine in the chamber of secrets, push a few buttons, and the blank paper would be stamped with beautiful patterns, and the correct amount of money would be sent out from the other end of the machine.

Then the king gave the money to his steward and servant, and the servants were responsible for all the goods needed today.

In such a country, people live happily.

Few people are out of work, and few don’t have a meal, and even if some people are out of work and can’t make money, religious people are happy to help them get enough food, warm clothes and sleep.

The Kings of this country are hereditary, and according to tradition, each king can only have one child, and then pass the throne to that child, so that the printing machine will supply the money that the royal family needs every day.

When the throne reached the hands of the 72nd king, Yala, some trouble happened. Yala died without giving birth to any children, so the queen Mila had to act as king for the time being.

There was a problem. The queen did not know about the existence of the chamber of secrets, and of course did not know that there was a printing machine in the chamber of secrets to print the money he needed.

But the queen still needed his servants to do all the daily shopping for him, which made the queen very worried. Where should the money come from?

So the queen summoned all her ministers to the palace for a “national conference”, asking: “when the king was alive, where did the money come from”?

Alas, no minister knows “where the king’s money comes from”!

Later, finally a minister said: “money should be from the almighty god — Fala!” .

Unfortunately, the king Yala is dead, their only communication channel with Fala is lost, and the queen doesn’t know how to connect Fala.

The queen is in a panic. The royal family spends a lot of money every day.

The “national council” was held from morning till night, but nothing came of it. There were quarrels among the ministers, and everyone was in a hurry, for not only did the royal family’s expenses not fall, but their salaries would not be paid.

Finally, one minister, Lula, suggested that, instead, we tax each citizen and order them to pay $100 a year to the state, so that the royal family would have enough money to spend and their salaries would be set.

As soon as Lula’s proposal was put forward, ministers agreed, and the queen, Mila, had no other choice but to adopt Lula’s proposal and order the levy.

The policy implementation at the beginning, many people are not happy, but they know the king died, so the queen can’t contact the gods, forced to implement this policy, so there is no choice, although people are not willing to, but they should pay the tax.

In this way, day after day, people still trade in “paper money” every day, and take money with them when they go shopping, and the country is back to normal operation.

A year later!

People started to feel uncomfortable, and when some of them wanted to buy something, they found that there was no money available, and the amount of money seemed to be running out.

So people think twice about using money, and try not to buy anything that is not necessary. Leave your money at home, so you can use it when you really need it.

But the more people think about it, the more they want to keep their money in their hands. As a result, the business activity that was originally hot turn to cold.

Business man find it’s harder and harder to do business!

Many businesses were short of cash and had to cut the price.

The people who buy things are becoming more and more prudent, hoping to exchange the least money for the most goods, so will go to find the cheapest merchant to buy!

So when merchants cut their prices, the business will be better, and other more expensive merchants, will become less popular.

So merchants began to compete to sell, and prices kept falling.

People got a question, “where did the money go?”


In the folk, money is more and more insufficient, so the common people’s life is more and more bitter.

However, there was no shortage of money in the court, for the tax of one hundred dollars per person per year was still carried out, and the ministers were paid each month.

Of course, the royal family did not know the problem, especially the queen.

With taxes paid by the people, the royal family still lived a rich life every day.

In fact, the royal family is much richer than ever before, because when money is scarce, the royal family can buy more things with the same amount of money, so the royal family never feels that money is a problem!

The queen still enjoys the luxurious life in the palace every day, only feels the life is boring, therefore spends all day in the palace looking for the interesting thing, only then lets her not miss the king so much.

One day, the queen found a button in the back of the large closet in her room. She push it for curious, and the partition wardrobe was opened, there was a long corridor in it, looking dark and deep.

After a few seconds, the light in the hallway lit up automatically. The queen, though a little frightened, went in, still driven by curiosity.

At the bottom of the hallway, the queen found a room and a button in front of the door.

The queen push a button and the door opened.

The queen summoned her courage and went in. She found a table and chair in the room. There was a strange machine beside the table and chair. Boxes of paper were stacked beside the machine, while baskets on the other side were empty.

The queen wondered, was this the source of the king’s money? So she jabbed at the machine, and in a few seconds the machine began to make some noise, and the stacks of money were printed.

Soon the queen found the basket full and took the money out.

But the machine continued to print, so baskets of bills appeared, until a whole box of paper was printed, and the machine stopped!

At this point, the queen finally understood. She knew where the king’s money came from.

The queen thought, “how much money do I want? Just push the button.”

The queen no longer worried about the lack of money, so she buy so many expensive stuff that king do not allow her to.

She began to invite folk groups to perform in the palace every day, so that she could get some joy in her boring life.

She then hired someone to build a sprawling “royal theater” for the performers.

When the royal theater completed, the queen was very happy, but when she looked back, there was a flash of disappointment on her happy face.

The royal theater was so luxurious and chic that it made the queen’s bedroom look paler.

The queen is a show-off woman, of course, who can’t bear to have a lower bedroom than the royal theater and a paler bedroom than the royal theater.

So she asked ministers to call the best builders in the country to design a beautiful, luxurious and magnificent bedroom.

All of this needs money!

But money is never a problem!

And so the procession of carriages came and went in and out of the palace, and boxes and boxes of money came out of the queen’s Chambers, to the craftsmen, to the merchants, to the ministers who had worked so hard for these buildings!

Then the queen’s Chambers were completed!

The original flow of the carriage, is still a flow!

But the men on these wagons went from artisans to performers to aristocrats with royalty. Every day, countless imperial relatives and relatives enter the palace, countless performers give a wonderful performance, many banquets are held in the palace, a large amount of food flows into the palace from the people, and then a large amount of kitchen waste is carried out from the palace and returned to the people to become pig feed.

After the royal theater was built, the folk money began to increase and the people returned to their prosperous lives. As a result, the popularity of the queen began to recover. People gradually felt that the queen was no worse than the king, and even many people thought that the queen was better than the king.

But there is a strange phenomenon, along with the queen’s every move, those who are loved by the queen become rich one by one.

At first, many craftsmen and construction merchants became rich, and they began to enjoy a better life and build bigger houses for themselves, so the construction boom got better and better.

But after the queen’s Chambers had been completed, a new batch of rich men with high cultural standards were born, who talked all day about “drama, art, music, dance”.

Young people began to join the construction industry, but then they found that “theatrical and singing performances” were jobs that money could be made without getting their hands dirty.

As a result, many folk theatres were set up. However, when they were built, there was no one who knew how to perform. Therefore, many schools were set up for drama, dance, music and so on.

People who study “drama, art, music, dance” take pride in being able to enter the royal theater.

In the course of these frequent activities, money was passed from the hands of the artisan to the fishmongers, the fishmongers to the vegetable sellers, the vegetable sellers to the noodle sellers, the noodle sellers to the flour, the flour sellers to the wheat seller … .

People no longer feel that the money is not enough, on the contrary, everyone has a lot of money, they all feel that god “Fala” love them, and these bills from heaven is the best gift from Fala.

But happiness doesn’t last forever, pain comes finally !

A few years ago, a hundred dollar bill could buy a lot of bread, a lot of fish and meat. A house would only cost about ten thousand dollars.

Right now, a hundred dollar bill buys only half a loaf of toast or a little bit of meat. And the house goes from 10,000 dollar, 20,000 dollar,… It’s going up all the way, now it takes a million dollars to buy a house.

This is a big problem for queens!

After queen found printing machine, she print money everyday, in order to pay the workers salary money, steel, cement, architects, money, and so on. At first she printed and take the money out by herself. But later in the queen’s bedroom, she have to call servants to help her to take money out, because the money is too heavy for her to carry.

When the queen’s house was completed. The queen have to hire trucks to carry the money. It’s too heavy for people to carry.

Right now, the printing machine keep printing all day long, but it’s hard to cover royal expenses and ministers’ salaries because they can’t afford to buy fish or meat without so much money.

In the minds of those ministers, something changes quietly !

Many ministers began to find that they were not paid enough to buy fish and meat, but there were so many servants in the house who have to eat, so they began to figure out some way for it.

The minister in charge of building house came up with a good idea. He arrange only the specific manufacturers who had paid him to help the royal family build their houses.

Then the minister in charge of arranging performance began to think out a good idea, which was to arrange only certain performing groups that paid him to perform at the royal theater.

Later, almost all the ministers came up with a good idea!

Only one minister, Hyla, could not think of a good idea.

So Hera’s servants left Hera, because a servant Lila quit to sell soy milk and earn so much money.

Hyla decided to tell the queen about this, which was that “the ministers’ salaries were too low”!

To make it sound more scholarly, Hyla wrote a book titled “on the link between inflation and corruption by ministers”.

The queen sat alone in the Chambers, looking at the book of Hyla, and she understood something she never know.

But the queen couldn’t figure out how to do it, because the printing machine has been printing money all day long, and the money is only enough to cover the royal family’s expenses. If queen want ministers not to be corrupt, they should be paid enough, but that’s impossible. The printing machine cannot print more money.

So she call Hyla to the palace, trying to resolve the problem !


Hyla went into the palace and knelt before the queen!

The queen said to Hyla, I have read your book, but the raise will be difficult!

The queen told Hyla about the secret of printing machine.

Hyla felt disappointed because he could not keep his wife and children live well, so he asked the queen allow him “quit to run business in the market”.

The queen knew that Hyla was a good official. She have to keep the only non-corrupt minister. But she could not think of a good way.

Time congealed in the rigid atmosphere, almost stopped!

Suddenly, Hyla had an Epiphany, as if he thought of something!

He asked the queen a question: “may I see the printing machine, madam queen?”

The queen think that servants knew about the printing machine anyway, and it was no matter if one more minister knew.

So the queen took Hyla into the chamber of secrets.

Hyla stared at the printer, then examined every part of the printer very carefully. Then he saw the letter arrangement of the printing head on the printer, and found there was some space for the printing head to be filled with another type.

So Hyla told the queen that he wanted to see if he could ask a craftsman to carve a 0 in the space, so that he could add a 0 character to the value of the money printed by the printing machine, and the value of the money printed would increase tenfold, thus solving the problem.

When the queen heard this suggestion, she thought it was a good idea, so she call a craftsman to finish the job.

Hyla put the 0 into the printing machine, and then the printing machine was activated according to the queen’s instructions, and the printing machine began to print out a pile of money, which was not very different from the previous one, but with another zero added.

As a result, ministers raised their salaries, and the queen promoted Hyla to “chief financial officer of the royal family” for her remarkable contribution, taking charge of the salaries of royal servants and ministers.

So the economy of this prosperous country is even more prosperous.

Hyla’s clever policies solved not only the queen’s problems but also the inadequate pay of ministers.

The queen used the 0 character from Hyla to raise each minister five times, and then used the rest of the money to reward the royal family and the meritorious service.


But Hyla knows that there is still a problem.

The queen knew that, but after dealing with the salary issue, the queen felt very tired, so she chose to ignore the issue.

However, the problem was still the problem. The ministers got five times their salaries, but the corrupt way they came up with continued. Therefore, the incomes outside the industry continued to go on, even gradually rising, because the 0 printed by the empress and Hyla caused prices to rise further.

Now, $1,000 for a loaf of toast, or half a kilo of pork. The price of a house is now up to $25 million.

The pork seller found he had to sell 3,000 kg of pork to pay his rent, but in fact he could only sell 2,000 kg a month at most.

Fortunately, The pork seller has his own house, not rent from somebody.

The toast seller found he had to sell 10,000 slices to pay his rent, but in fact he sold only 6,000 a month.

To make matters worse, his house was owned by a landlord want to raise the rent price!

The heart is elusive! But the feeling of the masses is real!

When they can’t live, they have to do something!

The toast seller couldn’t pay his rent, so he couldn’t sell toast any more. He wander on the streets all day!

The chicken seller have a shop once, but he is selling chicken steaks with a cart now, because he cannot afford the rents.

The toast seller was hungry, so he bought a piece of chicken and asked the toast seller where to get a cart.

Then the toast seller bought a cart and started to sell sandwiches.

Then, fruit sellers, vegetable sellers, and oyster eaters couldn’t afford a shop, so they wandered the streets.

They are also hungry, so buy sandwiches from the toast seller, and some meat from the meat seller.

Strangely, they all went to buy a cart the next day.

As a result, there was a shortage of carts in the “inflation” market.

These carts push back to the street for the same square, and the square grew lively.

Due to the high rent of the store, everything sold in the store has to be charged for rent, and the price go doubled.

So when people scrimped, they began to buy and eat in the street squares, result in a street markets with carts.

A few days later, the oyster seller notice that nobody come to the shop. He went to the street and found that customers buy on the street market with carts.

The police went out to inspect the street, and found that the street market (with carts) selling oyster omelet, noodles, sandwiches, chicken cutlets, fruit and vegetables.

The police were hungry, so he sat down and ate oyster omelet and chicken steak, and asked why they were selling here.

The next day, the police came again!

This time they did not come to eat oyster and chicken, because they took a knife to the street, and they took “oyster and Fried, noodles, sandwiches, chicken, fruit, vegetables, meat” to the prison!

The chicken seller’s wife go to the police station and argue with the police, but it doesn’t work, and she got hurt because a police hit her.

The oyster seller’s wife also went to the police, and talk to her husband for half an hour. When she came out, she took her husband out.

The family of prisoner ask oyster seller’s wife: “How you get your husband out from jail ?”

“Because I give them some money,” : said by the oyster seller’s wife.

These wife go home and take money to the police station.

So, everyone was surprised to take the goods — “their husband” home.

The next day, “noodle, sandwich, chicken, fruit and vegetable seller” go on to the street for business.

The business of oyster shop was getting worse again. As soon as I went out on the street, I found that all the customers went out on the street again.

So police have another income, only occasionally to catch people into the jail, and then in the game of “hand over the money, hand over the delivery.”

The person who sells noodles says, so come and go, this month did not make money at all, and all our money pay to the police.

The meat seller said, ‘we’re not going to make any money, anyway. We have to find a way!’

The fruit seller was more intelligent. He thought for a moment and said, “well, let’s talk to police and see if there are any solution.”

They all agree that’s the only way to do it.

So the fruit seller and the meat seller went to the police station and discussed with the police.

The meat seller said, “poor men, have mercy on us! If we keep catching us into jail, we have no money to give you.”

The fruit seller said, “yes! Could you give we a way to live and continue our business?”

The police said, “but someone report illegal, we have to deal with it!”

The meat seller said, “who report illegal?”

The police say: “that boss of oyster shop !”

The fruit-seller said, “well, then, before you police comes, let someone inform us so that we have time to leave, and then you come !”

“In this way, without evidence, we won’t have to go to jail, and we will give money to you every month.”

Then, the oyster shop’s owner reported to the police again.

And, you know the story continue ….

Later, the oyster shop owner buy a cart and sell on the street market, but being taken to jail by polices.

Everyone should know why!

So police have another income!

The more I thought about my experience, the more I felt sad and unlucky.

The next morning, under a tree near the market square, someone looked up and see the oyster shop owner hanging up there!

The police came and took his dead body away.

The next day, the police came to the market square and take the oyster seller to jail. Because they are

So his wife went around looking for money to save him. But who knows, the oyster seller confessed in prison.

The next day, the oyster seller was executed in prison!


Should come, will come after all!

A year after Hila’s clever policies, the queen found that the money was no longer enough to pay for royal expenses and ministers’ salaries.

Then the queen called Hyla again and conferred with him on the affairs of the state.

Hyla thought and thought, and thought and thought, but could not figure out what to do!

Then he said to the queen, I went into the chamber of secrets, and thought, perhaps there will be inspiration!

And she drew him into the chamber of secrets.

An hour later, Hyla finally came out, and the queen wait to long and falling into asleep!

Hyla said to the queen, if the last word of the bill were not zero but one hundred, it might solve the problem.

The queen had an Epiphany!

Our bill now is 10,000 in a sheet, if the last zero is removed and the word hundred is added, it will become 10,000 hundred, which is not very consistent with our grammar, if we change the word hundred to thousand instead, it will be much better!

Hyla drew on the paper: “10,000 thousand!”

Hyla felt a little uneasy at this moment, but could not say what was wrong!

The queen said, “what do you think ?”

Hyla froze with a half-smile and said, “the queen is wise!”

As a result, a kind of super paper money appeared on the market, with “10,000 thousand” printed on it. The paper money pales all other bills, and though they look the same, the word “thousand” looks particularly incongruous and conspicuous.

The queen printed “10,000 thousand” dollar bills to make people go shopping, but no one wanted to sell them because they had not seen the “10,000 thousand” dollar bills and because they were too big to get change.

So Hyla suggested printing “10 thousand, 50 thousand, 100 thousand, 500 thousand, 1,000 thousand, 5,000 thousand, and then the 10,000 thousand” dollars paper money.

The money then led to hyperinflation, which led to revolution, the overthrow of the government, and the death of the queen.


But Hyla did not die, and as no one knew how the money was created, the new king call Hyla again, and asked him to tell the secret of the money, and appoint him as minister of finance.

After appointed, Hyla learned from the failure of previous hyperinflation, adopted a more prudent “printing money” policy, and often reminded the king of the consequences of printing money, so the whole country moved to a stable and gradually prosperous economic development stage.

One year, the Hyla found a lot of people take money to a company, Hyla feel very strange, so the curious make him to have a look.
Hyla found that this place is the Kula company. Kula company accept money, give them a proof note, and then when people need to use money, they take the proof to the Kula company to get money. So they don’t have to put a lot of money at home. It’s not safe.

Better still, Mr. Kula’s company will give back small money. So a lot of people took the money and save it.

Gradually, the public tell each other the good news of Kula company, so that Kula company became better and better, and more and more people put money into his company.

Where did Kula’s small money come from? It turns out that when the money is collected, the money is lent to “people who need it to buy a house, or to do business”, and the money is collected for a little bit more.

Mr. Kula’s company is doing better and better, so the ‘bank of Kula’ sign can be seen across the country, with the slogan ‘come to Kula, make your money grow.’

Now, even the ministers and the servants in the palace kept the money in the bank of Kula, and Hera found that Kula had more money than the king.

Mr Kula money is becoming more and more people like Mr Kula is becoming more and more, and even a lot of people think Mr Kula is god sent down to help you make money, so Mr Kula power in the eyes of the people, has been gradually over the king, even some people who do business, will Mr Kula portrait hanging high in the shop, to bless you can do a thriving business.

This worried Hyla a bit, and he found that people didn’t seem to need “the money he and the king were printing on the money machine.” Because with the Banks in Kula, people put money in and take it out when they need it, so they don’t have to keep a lot of money in their house, so there’s less demand for the paper money.

After much thought, he finally decided to report the matter to the king.

The king, who seemed to be the last person in the world to know about the bank, was surprised, but did not know whether the bank was a good thing or a bad thing.

And Hyla sent spies, began investigating Mr Kula with his bank, some agents standing in front of the bank, all day for the what Mr Kula several people into the bank, some agents are usually take the money to Mr Kula bank deposit, or often from Mr Kula Banks brought out money, and everyone and looking to see how much money in. Some spies track bank officers and supervisors to see where they are going. Some spies, of course, would follow coula directly to see what he was doing, who he was meeting, and so on.

These agents returned information to Hyla every day, so Hyla gradually mastered the secrets of Kula and the bank. He found that there were a lot of people who deposited the money in the bank of Kula, but most of them were lent out, because after the money was lent out, coula could get more small money to pay interest to customers.

Now that Hyla had learned the secret of Kula and the bank, and had a general idea of how much money he had, he went to the king and told him the secret.

Since he knew about Kula and the bank, the king often couldn’t sleep well, because he often remembered that he had overthrown the former queen, and he was afraid that Kula would overthrow him and become king himself.

The king was looking forward to the return of Hyla, so when Hyla came, the king ran out to Hera before he had dressed himself. When Hyla reported to the king the number of people going in and out of the Kula bank every day, the amount deposited and received, and the amount borrowed, the king was really surprised.

They were puzzled by the fact that, when they checked the printing records, they found that the amount of money deposited in the bank of Kula was much larger than the amount of money they had printed.

In order to think about this question, Hyla and the king could not sleep for several days. After three days, Hyla finally came up with the answer in his sleep. He jumped out of bed and went to the palace.

It’s possible that the Kula bank will have more deposits than we print out, because when people deposit their money in the bank, they lend it to others, and those who borrow will probably put it back in the bank,’ he said.

Even if the person who borrowed the money did not put it back in the bank, they would buy the materials, and the person who sold the materials would probably put the money back in the bank of Kula.

And then finally, the Kula money, a lot of it gets lent out and then it goes back to the Kula bank, and that money gets lent out again, which is why the Kula bank has more deposits than we have printed.

This answer made the king uneasy and fearful, because the king was really worried that Kula would become the new king, leaving him as miserable as the queen before him. So the king ordered Hyla to set up a special project to solve this problem.

A month later, Hyla finally completed the plan of “tearing Kula” and reported it to the king. After the king read the plan, he was very happy. That night, the king finally had a good sleep.


The king ordered Hyla to take full charge of the project, so she began to call in the group of people who were investigating the bank of Kula, and began to carry out the plan of “ripping Kula”.

The first step of the plan was for the king and the Hyla to open the money-printing machine, printing out a large amount of money every day, and handing it to several mysterious people, whose task was to go to the bank of Kula and deposit the money in the bank.

The action lasted three months, and the king ordered, “the second phase of the mission begins.”

The next day, a large group of mysterious people moved forward to each branch of the bank of kulla, and then filled out the withdrawal slip at 10:00 am, ready to withdraw all their deposits in the bank.

At the beginning, several mysterious people successfully brought out their huge deposits, but as mysterious people came after them, the bank’s cash began to be withdrawn, and many branches had no money to pay them. So the branch manager became very anxious and called the head office to send money. The armored trucks at the headquarters were moving from truck to truck, but they were always too late to meet the needs of the mysterious people. The other people who came to the bank to withdraw money were so impatient that they just wanted to get their money quickly. So the whole bank line was long, and the queue for receiving money was all outside the bank.

When other people see the long line at the bank, they all ask “what’s going on?”, while the mysterious people usually reply, “the bank is running out of money, we are going to lose our money.”

As soon as these people heard the news, some went home to get their deposit books. Some went home to tell others: “the bank is running out of money.

So the whole country rushed home, took out the deposit book, rushed to the bank of Kula, all their savings to withdraw.

As more and more people lined up at the bank gates to collect their money, the queues got longer, longer, longer… ..

These teams from day to night, see the business end time is coming soon, in the back of the people still don’t want to go home, some people out of the tent and sleeping bags, home is set up on the street, is going to continue to line up in the morning tomorrow, I will bring them out all his money, and some people want to jump the queue, so angry people swearing behind, there are some other people directly rushed into the bank had quarreled with the manager, but managers also have no a way, those who had to go back to the queue.

The next day, the bank opened the door, a large number of people waiting in line to wait for the arrival of this moment, but Banks have raised “Mr Kula Banks take a day off today” brand, hence an angry crowd of someone broke the glass, the Banks rushed to the manager with the staff inside caught out, a large group of people surrounded the clerks, some clerks even have blood everywhere.

At this time, many policemen came to the bank gate to maintain order and isolate the angry people to try to protect the safety of the clerks. However, the angry people still shouted loudly in the street, and the poor clerks were scared to death.

Hyla appeared, and, with a group of armed policemen, stood at the door of the head office of the bank of the Kula. The armed police went in and carried Mr. Kula out. Mr. Kula was carried out into the street.

Hyla standing in the street said to Mr Kula, “Mr Kula, as the country’s financial director, I have a responsibility to maintain the stability of financial markets, since Mr Kula bank has gone bankrupt, I declared here, from now on, Mr Kula countries will be forced to take over the Banks, and Mr Kula you, will be in prison and accept the judge’s decision”.

Mr. Kula was taken to prison by the armed police, while Hyla said to other people: “the bank of Kula has been regulated by the state, people do not need to hurry, the state’s money is definitely enough for people to get their deposits back, please rest assured.”

Then, Hyla announced that all Kula bank clerks would have to return to their positions and continue to be responsible for getting people to withdraw their money. The state would be responsible for transporting money to branches, and the clerks would have to continue to be responsible for the original task.

And when you see the carloads of money that keep moving from the palace to the head office of the Kula bank, and to the branches, you don’t get impatient.

Most of the crowd went back to the door of the bank of Kula, lining up one by one to take out their deposits.

Gradually, the long lines of people in the queue began to think, since everyone can get the money, then I am still in a hurry to get the money out? Some simply left the line and went straight home.

A few days later, many people even carried bags of money back to the bank to fill out a deposit slip and return the money to the bank because it felt less safe to keep it at home than to keep it in the bank.

Hyla returned to the palace and reported to the king the result of the plan of “ripping Kula”. The king laughed with satisfaction.

That night the king slept well!



