Climate Change is Everybody’s Business

UN CC:Learn
Impact stories from UN CC:Learn Alumni
3 min readMay 24, 2018

By Pilar Lagos

A graduate from the Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, Nura Jibo works as a Quantity Surveyor. He has nine years of experience in the financial management of institutional, residential and commercial buildings and properties. He successfully manages mega projects by making sure that the energy used in constructions employ modern technology. He also aims to create efficient buildings through visionary designs, all without compromising the highest standards of comfort and health.

Nura Jibo at COP22 in Marrakesh, Morocco, 2018. /©Nura Jibo

Founder of the African Climate Change Research Centre, a United Nations climate observer organization based in Jigawa state, Nigeria, he is an expert in cities, eco-mobility and climate change. Since 2010, Nura has led the Research and Independent Non-Governmental Organization (RINGO) delegates that work on climate smart buildings and technologies for the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP).

Nura at COP21. Paris, France 2015. /©Nura Jibo

In 2017, while scrolling his Facebook feed, Nura found out about UN CC:e-Learn courses. He visited the website and found a course that was very much in line with his professional track of work: Cities and Climate Change. “I took the course and got my first UN certificate! The course really boosted my morale and enriched my CV because it gave me an added academic advantage over my peers,” he says.

Not everyone in his network has knowledge on how cities cause or contribute to climate change. For Nura, taking the course on cities “improved his career goal as a climate change solution enthusiast.”

Nura teaching a primary school student how to plant a tree and care for it. The African Climate Change Research Centre’s Going Green at Grassroots (3Gs) is a tree planting project in northern Nigeria which started in 2010 to help minimize deforestation and desertification problems in the area./©Nura Jibo

Hungry to learn more, Nura decided to enrol in other courses offered by UN CC:e-Learn. He took the Children and Climate Change course and the REDD+ Academy e-course. He completed and received certificates for these courses too. “The three courses really enhanced my career goals and aspirations as a UN Designated Contact Point on climate change in Nigeria. It also rekindled a ray of hope in me because I never thought that I would find such important courses online and for free!” he says.

“I am really happy to be obtaining formal training certificates on climate change and its impact on our societies through UN CC:e-Learn,” he adds.

Nura encourages other to visit the UN CC:e-Learn platform and register to any of the courses available.

“Any of these courses will change one’s point of view on how climate change is affecting our cosmopolitan planet. I encourage all to do it, because climate change is everybody’s business.”

Find out more of his projects here:

About UN CC:Learn

UN CC:Learn is a partnership of more than 30 multilateral organizations supporting countries to design and implement systematic, recurrent and results-oriented climate change learning. Through its engagement at the national and global levels, UN CC:Learn contributes to the implementation of climate change training, education and public awareness-raising.



UN CC:Learn
Impact stories from UN CC:Learn Alumni

We Invest in People and Learning for a Climate Resilient and Green Transition. #ClimateChange #Education #UnitedNations