Sunset on Savannah, Georgia.
Sunset on Savannah, Georgia.

Hi, I’m Christophe!

challenger of habituation on a mission to improve humanity, one idea at a time. Start here to know more about me.

2 min readJun 28, 2017


I’m a passionate individual who loves to set up environments for my team to be creative and successful. I also love to contemplate the big picture, find original solutions to stubborn problems, materialize crazy ideas, talk about utopias, and more!

Given my rare skillset that includes design chops, front-end development, system thinking, and project leadership, it’s hard to define what I do in one title so here is a taste of what I like to do and what I’ve done previously.

If you like what you see and want to get in touch:

I’m also the host of the Design System Social Club and a mentor on ADPList.

Articles outside of my portfolio

Case studies



Christophe Coutzoukis Portfolio

Challenger of habituation on a mission to improve humanity, one idea at a time. Design system lead & consultant. Host of @DSSocialClub. Mentor on ADPList.