Messy Grace — Sermon Series

Cameron Smith
CCV Media
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2015

Our Messy Grace series was centered around sex and relationships — and what the Bible has to say about them. The reality is, these are messy topics and our God is full of grace and truth — even amidst the messes we create.

Our typical approach to sermon series art is to create it digitally, in Photoshop, and then create supporting video elements based on the digital graphics. For this series, we decided to take a more organic approach — create the series art by hand, capture the creation process, and use that footage in the promo video and sermon series title package.

Here’s the original digital comp that inspired the final artwork:

We used this initial comp as a way to guide the process to creating the final series art. The initial challenge that this project created was finding a way to knock out the letters for the typography amidst the messiness of the paint. So we decided to create decal stickers of the typography, then painted over it and peeled them up when the paint was done and dry.

Going into this project, we knew that we wanted to create at least 2 supporting video elements that would play in service. The first was a promotional piece that we could use in the weeks leading up to the series — as well as on our social media channels. And the second was the weekly title package that would be used to set up the teaching pastor in service.

Here’s a look at the final promotional video:

And here’s a look at the final title package:

We were really happy with how everything turned out for this series. It was a refreshing departure from the digital to create something by hand. Definitely something that we will be exploring more of in the future.



Cameron Smith
CCV Media

Husband l Father l Creative l Director of Media Arts @ccvonline in Arizona.