Elvis Dies Tomorrow has left the building

Claudio D'Andrea
cd’s flotsam & jetsam
2 min readOct 6, 2016


I’m not sure if this sign was posted on August 15. If so, then I suppose it’s accurate — Elvis died on the 16th, albeit 39 years ago.

Barring any possible back-to-the-future trip, what does this sign mean?

It was placed on a thick round pole on the corner of Ouellette Ave. and Riverside Dr. The bold-face black stood out. (Don’t bother looking for it now though. It’s long gone or plastered over by other stickers.)

A quick search on the web reveals that Elvis Dies Tomorrow is a band, based in Germany. According to the charmingly written (sic) bio on their website: “The four guys from the most nothern part in germany are used to rough wind and try to walk the way of rockmu- sic even though they have to face a storm of other genres. They want to achieve one thing: Bringing back the sound of real guitars, real voices and real music to the people.”

No idea why the sticker was on a pole in Windsor. I don’t think they performed here, at least not according to the tour information I could find about Elvis Dies Tomorrow; it looks like all their dates were in Germany. (Elvis fans, at least in the UK, may take some solace in knowing that a disembodied version of the King himself is going on tour again, 40 years after his death.)

Also, I haven’t a clue about the significance of that name, cool as it is.

But there you have it, on public display in downtown Windsor for all to see. Elvis Dies Tomorrow: You read it first here.

Part of “Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs” series. Click here to see more.

Claudio D’Andrea has been writing and editing for newspapers, magazine and online publications for 30 years. You can read his stuff on LinkedIn and Medium.com and follow him on Twitter.

