CDN Raw Access Logs are Ready. Are You Ready?

We’re excited to announce the much awaited release today! Here is a sneaky peak what raw log feature is about. & CDN hot news
1 min readNov 13, 2014


So what are raw logs?

It is a piece of information about who has been accessing your content, from where and when. Didn’t get your attention yet?

Let me give a few examples how you can mine the data:

  • How many people from the east coast viewed a specific file last week?
  • Do some datacenters have more cache misses than the others?
  • Got your image noticed on other websites?

OK, enough from me. I believe your brilliant mind understands the value underneath, it is there waiting for you to discover.

Get inspired? Activate the feature in the control panel and try it yourself. Or find more info on our website.

Raw logs are available for download from client control panel or through API, so that it’s easy to integrate the logs into your applications.

