Empathy-Driven Engagement: The foundation of good service

CE Writ150
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2024

When you hear the words ‘good service’ you think of a literal good service, such as cleaning up or taking the trash out. Or we even think about retail customer service. As those are labeled as the good services you can take part or action in. We don’t know what a good service really is unless we sit down and start to think about it. When thoroughly thinking we come to the realization that good service is just the act of doing something good or kind for the sake of other people as they need help or lack the resources we are given or have. We should always be giving back to those in need or find ways to better support them from where they are coming from. We should encourage more people to volunteer and understand those who need our help the most. But we should let volunteers know it’s important to let those we help express themselves and their feelings.

People who volunteer or participate in good service often volunteer in shelters or soup kitchens. But most people don’t notice that the culture of volunteering and service work comes from people just wanting to pick up hours. Or people saying they volunteer for school or jobs. They don’t really pay much attention or respect to those who are the ones receiving the help. As someone who has taken lots of volunteer opportunities, I’ve realized that lots of people around me don’t find interest in forming relationships or engaging with those who need help. I feel as if it is very important for volunteers to grow bonds with those they are helping out as it can help them feel more seen and cared for. If we help people feel seen and cared for they might feel more motivated to change their ways or find ways to help themselves find happiness for themselves.

While developing empathy may be hard for some, it’s not as difficult as people make it seem. Empathy is just the process of developing certain skills such as listening, and emotional intelligence skills. As it can help people become empathetic and show more emotions towards those who need support. Empathy is a good trait to have when it comes to the daily lives of millions around the world. As we can better help our environment, the people around the world, and the world around us.The thought of feeling seen can be extremely healthy and encouraging to people around the world. We can uplift those in the darker places and get a better understanding and outcome of them and their ideas. Good service should be a good way of helping and something that has a positive, good outcome. Such as ideas from those in need, they can offer us help in exchange for helping them. Good service can be a service to anyone as long as it’s good and with good intentions. As well as things done with a good spirit and strong empathy towards the group of people.

I have volunteered at soup kitchens and food drives where I learned a lot about those in need. I would help serve them good food while learning about their talents and dreams. I would sometimes sit down and have deep conversations with them. About the things that they go through and what they wish more people did to offer them help and support. I asked them these questions to find any way I could help them. I heard a lot of them say that they sometimes feel bad for those who offer to volunteer for them, as they feel like they are ‘burdens and unwanted.’They said they feel this way because people act very insensitive and rude, they say they feel as if they are treated only as volunteer hours and a cover for something else. They would tell me that they sometimes felt as if they were ‘bad looks’ to our communities and cities just because they don’t have what other people do. They talk about how they feel left out because people don’t offer to help them for the good of it, they usually just help out when someplace requires them to have some volunteer hours done.

My time at the University Of Southern California has opened up another volunteer opportunity for me, I now volunteer with Water Drop L.A where we help distribute gallons of water to those living on skid row. We do this to help them have access to something they need that they aren’t offered. Skid row is known for not having any fresh water sources, or any at all for that matter. So we are told to engage and start conversations with those living at skid row so we can get a better understanding on how they are living their lives. We learn how to make them comfortable and not feel ashamed of their living environments. I have met people with pets who talk to me about how they wish they could study to be veterinarians because they’re animals have been hurt due to their living conditions. I’ve heard parents talk about how they wish they could send their children to school to help their families succeed but that to them it’s pretty much impossible. People should never feel as if their education is impossible or an unreachable goal. Everyone should have access to certain things like these so they can better themselves and their families.

In conclusion I believe good service comes from being empathetic and kind to those that you are offering to help out. Making sure that your help is kind and genuine, not forced or pushed onto you. All people deserve the same opportunities and respect as others. People around the world shouldn’t be made to feel any less than because people aren’t empathetic. Good service is service done from the heart and what is within one’s mind and heart. I hope more people learn about empathy being an important part of good service.

