Family Support is Not a Suggestion. It is Vital for Students in Compton.

Katherine Ramirez
CE Writ150
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2023

Growing up in Compton, we think of “making it out the hood” as going to school and becoming successful in our career, and of course making tons of money. However, prestigious institutions seem out of reach in a city plagued with inadequate school funding and a seemingly unbreakable cycle of poverty. These dreams create an inner conflict within us as students of whether or not it’s possible to achieve success in a city characterized by diverse cultures but faced with the harsh reality of being poorly funded with a bad reputation. To make matters worse, the absence of an understanding, supportive family at home further darkens any hope of achieving a promising future.

Even with all this in mind, the dream became reality for Elijah Devaughn Jr. when he was admitted to Harvard’s class of 2021 after growing up in Compton, which proved to himself that the struggle wasn’t for nothing. In a segment by ABC News highlighting his journey from Compton to Harvard, he shares how witnessing having a father in jail and a mother working tirelessly for her education and her son’s well being inspired him to reach for his own success. As the support he received from his mother not only fueled him but inspired him to reach for his goals, I argue that in a community like Compton, where educational resources are limited, it’s vital for parents to support their children as it plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s pathway to success.

For context, EJ’s first-hand experience in seeing the real situations of students living in Compton by witnessing how difficult it was for his single-mom to juggle both her education and her son’s well being proves to be invaluable in analyzing the struggles faced by Compton’s students. To elaborate, his mother set a powerful example for him to continue on in his education by going to school herself. In EJ’s mind, his mom is his “superwoman” (Devaughn). She worked tirelessly towards her masters degree and showed him that it was possible to juggle it all and achieve her goals. As a mom, teacher, and student, life is far from easy, but EJ witnessed her resilience in the face of adversity and used it to prevail against all odds. Now, that is not to say that receiving higher education is what is necessary to motivate and support us as students. However, what is true, is that having a parent or family member who shares their struggles and invites us to see their reality is necessary in creating a supportive environment that goes both ways.

On top of the difficulty of seeing a parent struggle, EJ grew up without his father being present for the monumental moments of childhood. Although EJ recalls being dismissive about the true story of where his father was at a young age, EJ’s mom grounded him within the reality of making poor decisions by using his father as an example that every action bears consequences. By changing his image of his dad from one to be embarrassed by to one to be inspired by, EJ was motivated to achieve more in life. Evidently, EJ’s mom played a pivotal moment in how he perceived the world around him because rather than using what he’s gone through as an excuse to rebel and go down a similar path as his father, he ensured he’d make his mother and father proud. With the single decision of his mother to turn his father’s situation into a source of inspiration, EJ’s path to success was not only created, but it was being led by his mother; thus, displaying the importance of a supportive family.

While EJ’s story of growing up and reaching for success is inspiring and underscores the crucial role of support, not all students in Compton are as fortunate in receiving the support needed for a successful future. Throughout my school career, my parents did their best to support me in the way that “worked” for them growing up. It consisted of high standards and tough love and though it was well-intentioned, it translated into being perceived as just shy of being enough. Every bad grade and expectation unmet came with a lesson on how I wasn’t good enough. Often, I recall how disappointed my parents were when none of the scholarships I applied to worked out for me. It was heartbreaking that in the time I needed their support the most, they lectured me on how I needed to do better and be like other students. This reality resonates with other students living in Compton who yearn for their parents’/ family’s support. Friends of mine have wished for their parents to not place a heavy burden on them of being the main caretaker of the house. Others have no time to do homework and have to commute on the bus because their parents don’t have time for them.

To make matters worse, students in Compton don’t get the same resources as other higher-income communities with properly funded schools, yet are in the same competition of getting accepted into a prestigious college. Seeing on social media and hearing in person about the countless resources, courses, and college preparation within a school only 30 minutes away, but in a rich and funded area, is disheartening and leaves us questioning if the fight to contend with a system designed for failure is worth it. So, the absence of support at home and little to no support at school, only causes students to be further discouraged by the idea that success is attainable. In the case of EJ, his mother, who is also a teacher, had his support to attend a school in Palos Verdes, which is almost a 35 minute commute, which proves to be a rare exception in a community like Compton. In the end, students who are passionate about reaching higher education, but don’t have the familial support and essential resources that they need, are inevitably stuck trying to fight both a system set up for them to fail and a family who doesn’t support them; however, the support of family could easily turn this around.

Ultimately, the journey from Compton to success can be grueling with many academic hurdles. Elijah Devaughn Jr.’s story serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating the power of parental support, guidance, and resilience in the face of a student’s academic adversity. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that not all students in Compton are afforded the same opportunities and familial support. To truly pave the way for the next generation of students in low income communities, we must collectively strive to bridge the gaps in educational resources and parental involvement, ensuring that we, as students from Compton, have the chance to reach our full potential and one day get that acceptance we’ve been waiting all our lives for. In doing so, we can break the cycle of poverty and inspire countless success stories, affirming that dreams born in Compton can indeed become reality.

In essence, parental support, coupled with equitable access to education, paves the way for a brighter future in Compton. Reflecting on the lessons from EJ’s journey, it is evident that fostering an environment of support and opportunity for all children is not just beneficial but integral for children in Compton striving for educational success.

Works Cited

ABC News. “California Teen Describes His Road From Compton to Harvard University.” ABC News, 8 May 2017,

