CE Writ150
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2022


I come from a country that has the longest history in the world and it is also the only existing ancient civilization that was not disrupted or destroyed by war or natural disaster, China. As a Chinese student who studies in the U.S., the most common question that people ask me is related to the stereotypes of China. In some people’s minds, China was still the country that was 100 years behind the world, or it is like North Korea which is controlled only by one leader, the King. Or the Chinese people were still the “Sick Man of East Asia” like one hundred years ago. I could not forget the question that my classmates asked me in my AP World History class in high school. He asked me “does everyone in China not have any human rights and people who live in Xinjiang were suppressed and tortured by the Chinese government? After hearing these questions, I was surprised, because I never imagined that in this modern society, people still cannot get rid of the negative stereotypes of China. I told him that “in China, basic human rights especially personal safety are guaranteed. Unlike in New York, people are afraid of walking outside at 1 am. In China, people never worry about their safety at the night and even at 1 am, people can still walk alone on the street without a light. At the midnight, there is a lot of opening restaurants that could be found everywhere.” In addition, people who live in Xinjiang have a much better life than before under the Chinese government. In the past, people who lived in Xinjiang were controlled by regional leaders who fight with each other. Starving was the most common thing in Xinjing History. Children lacked education and people’s properties were occupied by the regional leaders violently. However, under the leadership of the current Chinese government, Xinjiang people’s life becomes a lot better. The Chinese government built a lot of schools to provide education for children and start to popularize the standard Chinese in order to help Xingjiang children to better adapt the modern society when they grow up. The Chinese government also reassigned the land to Xinjiang farmers to guarantee their regular income.” After listening to my explanation, my classmates were impressed, because what I said was different from what they originally thought. China is different from one hundred years ago. Chinese is also the “new” Chinese who are not afraid of a challenge anymore.

