CE Writ150
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2022


what will happen when aliens land on earth

When the aliens land the first thing that will happen is destroying the earth and imprison or enslaved all humans because if aliens can arrive earth before humans discovering them, which means aliens have the more advanced technologies than human and the purpose of aliens is to conquer earth. Following the development of the society and more scientific fictions appearing such as the “Star Wars”. The first alien movie called Alien is a 1979 science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Dan O’ Bannon. The movie Alien is about in the deep space, the crew of the commercial starship Nostromo is awakened from the capsules during the journey home to search for their vessel. The movie starts from the crew encounters the nest of eggs inside the alien ship. The creation of the Alien fictions have the scientific evidences, such as the famous 51 district in U.S or a lot of news about UFO that were witnessed by a lot of people around the World. Under the limitation of the current scientific and aerospace technology, people did not have the direct evidence about the existence of the Aliens. However, if aliens find people first which means they have the more advanced technology that will stimulate them to conquer earth because earth is full of the valuable resources that can be utilize. Currently, human did not explore even the one percent of the universe because of the technology limitation and human only have the chance to step in Mars or Moon. A lot of celestial body that people have not explored yet and human scientists are still trying to find ways to go out the solar system, but it requires considerable advancement of the technology that could not be achieved yet. If aliens arrive earth, it means they have the technology to travel through the solar system even further, which means their technology is more advanced than the human’s. it is possible that they have the super spacecraft. With these advancement technologies and the valuable and attractive resources such as the ore resources would attract the aliens to conquer earth. When aliens land the earth, the first thing would be conquering that would bring the diester to earth, and possibly, people would have no way to defeat these aliens because they have more advanced technologies. However, human can still do something to fight with aliens by uniting together, but how long human can resist depend on the technology.

