CE Broker gets a new look

Alex Lauderdale
CE Broker
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2018

We launched the new CE broker identity yesterday across all our products. We’ve been working hard over the last few months to update not only the look of our company, but the feel too. We set out to unearth what makes us great and in-turn built a new brand which reflects our core values.

Early explorations of the new mark

we started by asking “If our company were a person, what kind of person would they be?”. After deep exploration of the question, we landed on a personality rooted in trust, stemming from a willingness to empower our customers with the tools they need to continue doing what they do best. We found that CE Broker, much like a sidekick, is all about supporting our licensees, boards and providers at any cost. As a result of this exploration, we began updating our brand to reflect these findings.

The new logotype is designed to encompass stability while remaining approachable. An evolution of the no-nonsense typeface “Gotham”, we took great care in fine-tuning every line so that the negative space of the logo works to support the letter forms at every curve.

Adjustments and proportions of the logotype

We set the logotype in lowercase to create a friendly and familiar feel. We took small cuts from the letter forms so that the curvature of the type would match the angles of the mark. As a result, the completed lockup reads with a seamless presentation.

“CE broker has always been about checking compliance off your list, and we’re excited to have a new brand that reflects this”

— Brian Solano, CEO, CE Broker

The Mark

For the mark, we choose two intertwined check marks to symbolize “completion” and “continuation”, both being things we care greatly about. Helping our licensees reach completion of their renewal requirements and supporting the continuing education process are two of the things we do best. The mark is a natural reflection of what makes us tick.

Together, the logotype and mark embody the company we strive to be. A helpful and creditable entity with the knowledge and power to support our customers with any need they may have.

Checkmark, initials and continuation


We chose green for our primary color, as it embodies “knowledge” and “growth” and symbolizes “completion”. Building off the primary green, we created a refined color system with utility behind every selection. The new palette will set the stage for all of our upcoming products.


Exploring the brand further, we created a set of custom icons, drawing inspiration from the “check mark” and curves of the logo.


You’ll see the new branding front-and-center in our newly designed products, serving as a platform for improving all of our digital offerings.

What’s next

We’ve only scratched the surface. With empowering our customers at the center of our brand, we will continue to solidify our new look as we build off the foundation we have defined.

Look for more updates in the future.



Alex Lauderdale
CE Broker

Graphic designer/web developer with a passion for art & a love of creativity. Director of product design at CE Broker. Founder of http://eternalcontrast.com/