A little pre-welcome back

Stephanie Beal
We are Cecil College
1 min readJul 30, 2016

Summer is flying by which can only mean one thing — fall classes start soon! Have you registered yet? If so, look at you being ahead of the game. If not, what are you waiting for? The earlier you register, the better selection of classes that will be available. For all those wondering, yes, I HAVE registered! No, there’s no chemistry in my fall schedule.

I’ve chosen two classes for the fall and, as you might have guessed, they are both online. This option just works for my family and me, so I stick with it. Just to give myself a bit of a challenge, my Introduction to Statistics class is an accelerated course. The plan is to be able to get myself fully organized in Foundations of Nutrition, so Introduction to Statistics will be somewhat less overwhelming in my brain when it starts in late September.

Another piece of the plan is to blog more often this semester. I hope that by sharing some of my experiences as a student, mom, and wife with a full-time career, I will inspire others to persevere and never give up. Part of a successful blog is having readers; I mean let’s face it, without anyone reading it, it’s just words on a screen. Follow. Share. Heck — copy and paste if you have to but get this blog out there for all of the Cecil College community to read!

