A rough start to this semester

Heather Hughes
We are Cecil College
3 min readFeb 25, 2016

It’s hard to believe that we are about six weeks into the spring semester. The time seems to have flown by, but I guess that is what happens when you get so busy with schoolwork and other issues outside of school.

First there was the blizzard; we had snow days but I still had schoolwork to do. Add to that getting things in order to prepare for the blizzard. Being that my husband is a snowplow driver, he is not home during snowstorms, so that leaves me to deal with removing the snow on top of the other household duties. Due to the possible power outages that were expected but thankfully didn’t happen, three of my kids went to stay with my mother; my father is also a snowplow driver. My oldest son who stayed with me got a sinus infection during said storm, so I really had no help. Thankfully we never lost power.

Having to add snow removal to my already long list of household chores, I became swamped with schoolwork. I felt like I was so far behind and never going to be able to catch up, but I did. I managed to get everything done on time.

Not long after that, another snowstorm. And then one of my vehicles broke down, which caused me to miss one of my classes and lose points on my attendance grade. I have never missed a day of school since I started. Now add juggling getting the kids around, myself to school, and my oldest daughter to school, I was constantly running around and losing time from doing my schoolwork. Having one less vehicle and driver sure does complicate things. I was exhausted, physically and mentally drained. And then another snowstorm and another snow day. Then rain. And more rain. Even more rain.

I feel like I am finally caught up on all my schoolwork, and my son gets sick, again. The one kid of mine who never gets sick keeps getting sick. Another doctor’s appointment. I need to have all of my required reading downloaded to my tablet, so I can take it with me to the doctor’s office. I have to do my schoolwork wherever I can. And I think I am getting sick now, but I don’t get sick days. I still have schoolwork to do; I still have to do the laundry, cook meals, wash the dishes, clean the house, and everything else that needs to be done. I don’t want to miss any more classes because I lose attendance points and that day’s in-class lesson. I also don’t want to get anyone else sick. Ugh, the struggle. Need rest, must work.

I am also taking my first fully online class; I am not a fan. I will not take another one; it just isn’t for me. I miss the classroom setting, the open discussions, and seeing the people in my class. Having a discussion through a discussion board is just not the same as a classroom discussion. I set aside specific days and times to commit to that class’ work and then find out that I lose points if I turn it in on the due date. Really? Losing points for turning it in when it is due. That’s just not right. Now I have to try to change my whole schedule around and just don’t know where to move this class to.

Also add to all of this, my Internet problems. Usually my Internet is pretty good, not since the beginning of the semester. My modem from my Internet provider keeps failing. My router seems to be on its last leg because it will just stop emitting a signal. The most commonly asked questions in my house lately are “Is the Wi-Fi working?” or “Can someone check the router?” and “Can someone check the modem?”

So far this has been a roller coaster ride of a semester for me, how about you? Have you had any complications this semester? I am truly looking forward to spring, the sunny days and warmer weather. Oh, and spring break. I have never looked forward to spring break as much as I am this year.

