Exhaustion 101

Stephanie Beal
We are Cecil College
2 min readNov 11, 2016

See that picture? That’s me, in my car, watching stats lectures while my daughter is at her ridiculously late dance class on a school night. Oh and don’t try to wipe those spots off that pic — those are dead bugs on my windshield that desperately needs cleaning. Not only am I watching stats lectures but I’m watching them from my flash drive because the Wi-Fi here sucks and my videos keep buffering. Let’s add in a sick day on Tuesday that really jacked up my schedule for homework since I slept every waking daylight hour possible. Oh and while I’m in my car, the interior light keeps turning off on me because my super intelligent car thinks I forgot to turn the light off and is trying to save my battery. You have got to be kidding me — I am RIGHT here. Can you not feel the heat coming off my feverish forehead and sense that I am sitting in the driver seat? Stop turning off; I am trying to accomplish something in this hour and a half! Of course I can’t finish all these lectures in 90 minutes so home we go to watch more and take more notes. It’s a good thing I really love this class!

Home on the couch, laptop fired up, and videos playing with the breeze blowing through the open windows because Mother Nature is bringing back summer apparently. Of course we already closed up the central air for the year; there was frost on the ground last week after all. Drink in hand and volume turned up — dear mother of pearl what IS that smell? Liquid fertilizer is wafting in every open window right through the living room. Still have at least an hour to go with videos and eight quizzes to take. I feel like crap and would really like to just throw the laptop into the liquid fertilized field and call it a night. BUT I really love this class and I’m rocking it, so carry on and shut up Stephanie!

