Handling summer classes
I will admit it’s harder for me to manage summer courses than fall or spring courses. There are so many other events going on at this time of year, and it’s more difficult to prioritize school. Seeing friends at the beach on Snapchat sometimes leaves me envious, but I know by taking this class I’m working toward my future.
The first week of classes was difficult to focus on because it felt like summer had only just started. It took me a few days to switch gears and get back into school-mode. I took my textbooks outside with me to sunbathe while I studied. Once I figured out I could take classes and still enjoy my summer, the transition was easier.
What worked for me was my professor being open about due dates. Once I saw the syllabus, I found out right away when the exams would be available. Essentially, I planned trips around these dates to avoid conflict and to make the course less tedious.
I am currently working ahead as much as possible, which is another positive aspect of this class. I can spend the amount of time I need on each of the chapters and finish the final before August. In addition, working at my own pace, I can take breaks as needed. This class is not as time-consuming and difficult to manage as I thought it would be. I am actually enjoying it.
I already feel I have accomplished something great this summer by taking a course. I always go early to the testing center for exams. It feels good to complete something while other people may still be asleep. After I finish tests, I have the rest of the day to do other things. I always leave with the sense I’ve been productive. Summer classes aren’t so bad once I get into a routine.