Have you registered for next semester’s classes?

Rachel Loomis
We are Cecil College
2 min readMay 7, 2017

Courses, especially if they are core classes, tend to fill up quickly. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the classes you need to graduate. If you are planning on attending Cecil next semester, you should sign up as soon as possible. If a class you need fills up before you can register, you may have to schedule it for a later semester, which could affect your plans to graduate.

Failing to register for classes early can result in unnecessary stress. In my first year at Cecil, I made the mistake of procrastinating class registration. This affected the math course I was able to take. Ideally, I wanted to take a Monday/Wednesday statistics class due to my busy Friday schedule. Since I didn’t register early, however, the particular course I wanted was full.

This was a major inconvenience for me because I had to find a different class that would meet my graduation requirements. This caused me to have to rearrange my schedule to accommodate a Tuesday/Friday math class. Overall, this stressful ordeal of finding an alternate class could have been avoided entirely if I had not procrastinated registration.

You may be thinking it’s too early to consider next semester, but planning ahead and registering early makes scheduling easier and less stressful. It also takes a great deal of worry off of summer break to have fall organized.

