Plan train derails

Stephanie Beal
We are Cecil College
2 min readSep 5, 2016

It’s been almost two weeks since classes have started and our first holiday of the school year is here! How do you spend the breaks from classes? For those of us who attend classes on campus, it’s a day to sleep in if you have an early morning class. For evening classes, it’s a night off from having to find a parking spot close to your class location. If you are like me and are enrolled in online classes, no breaks for you! Any way you look at it, we need to be sure we don’t allow the holiday, or any day the college may be closed, to derail our success. We need to be sure we have a plan in place to keep us on track and, for me, a backup plan to keep me on track when I’m thrown one of life’s curveballs.

One thing I PLANNED on doing different this semester was not waiting until the last minute to turn in assignments — notice I said “planned.” I mean it was the second assignment and not the first so technically I stuck to my plan for a week. Sometimes I rock out my best work when I’m under pressure, and for the longest time I could not figure out how that made one bit of sense; but, this week, it hit me smack in the face.

Overthinking. I am an overthinker. I am also an optimist. So if you squint and turn your head slightly left, you will see that being an overthinker is the positive spin of what some would call worry. When I have time to think about things, I think until my thinker can think no more. I analyze my analyzation from every angle three times before I am finally able to commit to a decision. When I don’t allow myself to have excess time, my brain becomes super focused and I am able to do my assignments with ease and, normally, with great success.

I realize we are all different, and not everyone can operate so well under such pressure, but it works for me. My plan was derailed early but really, was it? I planned to do something that I should have known wasn’t going to work for me. Bottom line — do what works for you and not what you think you should be doing because it fits into someone’s pattern of success.

