Spring, so far so good

Heather Hughes
We are Cecil College
4 min readApr 4, 2016

After a much needed spring break, I found time to relax a little and catch up on my schoolwork and housework. I used some of my time to revisit topics from my classes that I had difficulty with and it was very helpful. Starting back again this week was similar to starting at the beginning of the semester but better. I like to think of it as a fresh start with an edge because I know what to expect and how to improve to be a better student. I am, as of now, maintaining all A’s. That is very important to me personally, because I want to do my very best and am always looking for any improvements I can make.

School is hard. Trying to balance homework and family life can be challenging, probably even more so if someone is also working. Trying to balance the time needed for homework and studying for my classes can be daunting. I try to divide up my workload so that one class doesn’t overpower another. I also break it up into chunks, say one hour for stats; then I can take a break and spend time with the kids for a little while before returning to homework for another class. I have found that doing my work at home has helped my kids take their schoolwork more seriously. By getting to see how hard I work and the grades that I achieve, it shows them they can do it too.

Doing my homework in front of and around my kids has also given us something to talk about. There are a few instances where what I am learning coincides with things they are learning. Take for example Phineas Gage. Some people have no idea who that is, and that’s OK. For example, my son Noah was learning about Phineas Gage and during one of our dinnertime talks was telling us about him. I learned about him in my psychology class. Noah and I were able to discuss something that we probably never would have before. Being able to relate our studies has given us much more to talk about and connect with each other on a different level than before.

With this really strange weather pattern that we have been in and enjoying this nice sunny and warm day, I thought I might help you appreciate it a little bit more. There have been some instances where I used my kids for my schoolwork, mostly my photography class. During one of the snowstorms we had, I spent time with them but was also doing an assignment. I was doing my best to balance schoolwork, family time, having fun, and making memories. The assignment was “losing face,” so I tried to get creative while they were sledding and then during the warm up inside. The idea was to hide the face of the person being photographed. Below are some images that I had taken for it.

My youngest daughter, Joliet, warming her face.

The one of my son in the camo turned out with the opposite effect. His camo hid him so well it made his face stand out.

My oldest daughter offering one of her specialty hot chocolates.

My oldest daughter, Kaitlan, enjoys helping me with my photography. She has taken a photography class and loves to practice, help me, and learn new techniques. One day we made a mess with powder and glitter-filled balloons.

Kaitlan was popping the balloons while I took the photographs. This is just one of the images. After spending hours upon hours after multiple attempts over a few days to get this the way I wanted it, I finally got what I envisioned. Photography is not easy. It takes lots of planning and sometimes multiple attempts to get the shot you want. Photography is so much more than just pointing a camera and pressing a button.

I hope the pictures of the snow help you enjoy this change into warmer weather, but don’t neglect your schoolwork to be outside. If possible, do your work outside. I know I do when I can. I have a bench in my backyard just for studying and reading. Do you have a favorite spot to use to study outside?

