UK government commits £5 Million to combat poaching

Sid Main
Cecil The Lion News Blog
3 min readAug 5, 2015

The UK government just announced their commitment of £5 Million to combat illegal hunting of animals in Africa including Rhinos, tigers and elephants. With a growing demand for rhino horns and ivory, poachers are flooding into the African continent to profit from this black market trade. Poaching gangs and underground organizations have been active in the last 5 years than ever before with over 1293 rhinos killed last year and 20000 elephants killed in 2013.

While all hope appears lost, Britain has been making a stand against the gangs with their leading role in starting the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund. Since its inception in 2014, the fund has support over 19 projects in developing countries to protect endangered species.

The UK government has provided £8 million in the past and today’s announcement will provide an additional £5million to support partner organizations to:

  • Develop sustainable livelihoods for communities affected by illegal wildlife trade;
  • Strengthen law enforcement and the role of the criminal justice system;
  • Reduce demand for the products of the illegal wildlife trade.

Environment minister Rory Stewart said “The illegal trade in animal products is putting some of our most iconic species like elephants, rhinos and tigers in severe danger. his is not just an environmental challenge: tackling this trade means tackling corruption, strengthening security and improving livelihoods. This funding will help to reduce the supply of illegal wildlife products by supporting local communities to find new ways of earning a living and stopping poachers and criminal networks from controlling this barbaric trade. It will also support action to reduce demand for these products.”

Grant Shapps, the minister for International Development and Foreign Office agrees saying “The illegal wildlife trade is a global problem, and is not confined to any one country or even continent. The range of projects helped by this Challenge Fund already is testament to that, and demonstrates valuable work being done worldwide to stop the killing. It’s absolutely right that the UK’s development budget is tackling international wildlife issues, giving communities a real alternative to this horrific trade and helping to protect the world’s most endangered animals. I am determined that the UK will keep raising the illegal wildlife trade at every opportunity to ensure that we have a world worth leaving to the next generation.”

This is some hope to see as many of the governments in africa are unable to support themselves due to civil wars or national debt crisis. The support of UK followed by other western nations will eventually transform the continent and ensuring the well being of the animals.


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WildCRU under scrutiny for its relationships with Pro-Hunting group, Dallas Safari Club (Left)
Watch this badass ranger confront a heavily armed poacher LIKE A BOSS

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