Zimbabwe finally bans Trophy hunting after 1 MILLION speaks out against trophy hunting — But will it last?

Sid Main
Cecil The Lion News Blog
2 min readAug 5, 2015

The hunting of big cats and elephants are now off limits in Hwange National Park thanks to one million people singed a petition calling for the DICTATORSHIP country to act in response to the killing of Cecil the Lion. Edson Chidziya, head of Zimbabwe’s parks and wildlife authority Zimparks, said today: “Hunting of lions, leopards and elephants in areas outside of Hwange National Park has been suspended with immediate effect.” He also said that the only exception to hunting them is if there’s they have written authorization from the director general of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority.

The group who started the petition, Care2, was thrilled with the results. The petition started a little over a week ago and now trending at over a million signatures.

Thought there is little knowing how effective this ban is going to be since Zimbabwe, a country ruled by Dictator Robert Mugabee, a ruthless dictator who drove the country into hyperinflation creates a ripe and tempting environment for officials to accept bribes and turn a blind eye. There are speculations that the park may just be announcing the ban just for show and will be collecting bribes in the back for those ‘written’ consent to continue poaching.

We can only hope that the ban is genuine and will last. The presence of animal guardians like Damien Mander may be their only source of accountability.

Up next:
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Originally published at justice4cecil.weebly.com.

