UNLEASH & Students With Schizophrenia

Cecilia McGough
Cecilia McGough
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2017

5.1 million people who have schizophrenia right now in the world will end their own lives through suicide.

Schizophrenia is hallmarked by the following characteristics that may or may not include: hallucinations, delusions, and/or scattered thoughts. Schizophrenia does not currently have a strong global platform, even though 1.1% of the world’s population over the age of eighteen has some sort of form of schizophrenia. That is 51 million people worldwide. Yet, we go misrepresented. Often, we are labeled “crazy.” We are called “insane.” We are designated as “skitzo.” We become the plot twist at the end of a movie and a costume around Halloween time.

Even within the mental health community, schizophrenia is shied away from because it makes people feel “uncomfortable.” In one of the most referenced books written about schizophrenia, Surviving Schizophrenia authored by E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., the first chapter is entitled “The Inner World of Madness,” and within it, I quote:

“Schizophrenia is madness. Those afflicted act bizarrely, say strange things, withdraw from us, and may even try to hurt us. They are no longer the same person — they are mad!

I am not “mad.” Yes, I am frustrated because what type of unaccepting world do we live in that half of the people who have schizophrenia take measures to end their own lives through suicide at least once? I fall into this statistic. That is 25.5 million people taking measures to end their own lives with 5.1 million resulting in death. This is even more shocking when you realize that the peak age to have a schizophrenic break is early adulthood, the same age range as the typical college student. Yet, there is no organization anywhere worldwide specifically focused on empowering college students who have schizophrenia. We need to do something about this. Again, 5.1 million people who have schizophrenia right now will take their own lives through suicide. Schizophrenia is not a niche topic. The need for cognitive equality for schizophrenia is prevalent, and the time to act is now.

If a person has cancer or another physical illness and is open about their diagnosis, the community would support them. 5k runs are set up. People wear colored ribbons at fancy events and fundraisers. People are not afraid to write Facebook posts, tweets, and use hashtags to show support for those who have cancer. If a person who has cancer goes to seek medicine or has a hospital stay, this is not only socially acceptable but also expected. No one would question their decision. It makes sense — if you are sick, then getting the correct professional medical help is what you are expected to do. However, if a person who has schizophrenia is open about their diagnosis, then they are more often than not shunned, feared, and questioned by society. Just like mental health in general, a person who has schizophrenia is more likely to be an abuse victim rather than the abuser. For example, I lived in a homeless/abuse shelter for a short time during my high school career.

I personally have had four psych ward stays because I have acknowledged that I have a chemical imbalance inside my head. In the best interest for my health, I need to be in the hospital during major medicine changes. The first antipsychotic that I was put on dropped my blood pressure dramatically. I was unable to get out of bed. I had liquid coming out of my ears. Looking back, I am very thankful that I had voluntarily checked myself into a psych ward and had the professional medical team there; otherwise, I might not be here today. No one should be afraid to seek medical treatment.

In the fall of 2017, we have decided to launch Students With Schizophrenia. It is time to empower and UNLEASH resources to help students who have schizophrenia complete their education, live healthy and fulfilled lives, and have the ability and opportunity to pursue their dreams. Students With Schizophrenia will globally premiere its business model for the first time at the UNLEASH LAB 2017 in Denmark this August as a direct response to fulfilling the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Lives are being lost, dreams are being left unmet, and locked potential is being left unreached. My name is Cecilia McGough. I have schizophrenia, and I am NOT a monster. Thank you.

REFERENCE: Cecilia’s Personal Treatment Blog http://sites.psu.edu/ceciliamcgough/

