But how much research do you need for a Navy SEAL romance?

Cecilia Tan
Cecilia Tan Author
Published in
6 min readNov 8, 2017

A writing buddy of mine asked, after I’d read my fifth or sixth book on the subject, “But how much research do you need to do to write a Navy SEAL romance?” If you’re me, turns out you need a lot. When I pitched the idea to Riptide to write WATCH POINT for their charity holiday bundle, I hadn’t written military romance before, much less US Navy SEAL romance.

The first thing I did was read some (heterosexual) Navy SEAL romances to get an idea of what was going on in the genre. Mostly I was disappointed by the lack of Navy SEAL content in these books, but this is often my gripe with romance novels, where the characters’ jobs are just a label applied to them. Their profession doesn’t actually provide a tapestry of rich details for their story to unfold on, and those stories always feel thin and half-finished to me.

If the heroine is a brain surgeon, I expect to learn something about what it’s actually like to be a brain surgeon and how being a surgeon, going through med school, etc… shaped her personality and her worldview. If the hero is a firefighter I expect to learn something about firefighting while reading the book — and he better run into a burning building at some point in the plot.

Ultimately, I found memoirs by Navy SEALs to be great for providing details and backdrop, especially Chris Kyle’s AMERICAN SNIPER, Marcus Luttrell’s LONE SURVIVOR, and Howard Wasdin’s SEAL TEAM SIX. I also learned a lot from BATTLE READY by Mark L. Donald and THE RED CIRCLE by Brandon Webb. I read them all cover to cover, but I still had other questions. For that I ended up delving into a lot of blogs and websites devoted to Navy SEALs, some of which are geared at men who might want to join the SEALs, while others are aimed at their families, or at guys who just want to be as strong, fast, or deadly as a SEAL without actually joining the Navy.

Among the questions that dogged me while I was writing WATCH POINT:
— what kind of shoes/boots do Navy SEALs wear?
— how many SEALs typically work together?
— what slang terms are specific to the SEALs (vs the rest of the Navy, US military in general)?

I wasn’t able to find answers to all my questions in the books and websites, but I hopefully built enough of a unique point of view for Eric, the hero and narrator of the book, that it comes across believable and immersive.

Of course, what’s “believable” in a romance novel can be debated: we expect the reader to suspend some disbelief in order to fully enjoy the thrill-ride of the book. So “believable” can be a moving target, and very much in the eye of the beholder. But here are links to a ton of the online resources I used while writing the book (and which I’ll return to if I ever write a sequel…!):

So here’s a pile of what I learned with links to the online resources:


One thing I had read quite a while ago is that books often make the mistake of having Navy SEALs referred to as “soldiers” whether in the text or in dialogue, i.e. “Do you hear me, soldier?” and that this is wrong. SEALs should apparently never be referred to as soldiers, since they’re in the Navy, they’re Sailors. But since they’re a very specialized part of the Navy, not exactly serving on ships in the same way as someone “sailing,” I wondered if there was another term. The term SEALs seem to use for themselves is “operator.” When they go into the field (or water…) to do something it’s called an “operation” and the men are operators.

  • At Wiktionary there is a page of Navy Slang. From what I understand the SEALs have their own slang, but every SEAL is a Navy sailor and would be familiar with this. My favorite entry:
  • “Fuckface: Any person or thing which has a face.”
  • A page on slurs used by one branch of the military for another, ie. swabbie, ground-pounder, jarhead, squid: http://www.beforejoiningthemilitary.com/squids-jarheads-grunts-the-chair-force-and-other-military-stigmas/
  • Navy Boot Camp Slang: from NavyDads.com — http://www.navydads.com/forum/topics/navy-boot-camp-slang-learn-to
  • “Once your soon to be Sailor ships out for Recruit Training Command it’s time to speak the language. Your Sailor will arrive as a SR ( Seaman Recruit ) and after passing battlestations they will be known as United States Sailors. Navy Dads wishes them the best from the first few days when they’re known as smurfs to when you arrive at PIR to seeing them as Sailors. Good luck to them during boot camp and good luck to you learning their language.”
  • Overall, NavyDads.com has some great resources. They have other glossaries and slang pages, as well.
  • General Navy Stuff



Cecilia Tan
Cecilia Tan Author

Lean, mean writin' machine. Award-winning novelist. Bisexual. BDSM community activist. Answers to all pronouns but generally she/her/hers.