On “Virtual” Tour!

Cecilia Tan
Cecilia Tan Author
Published in
1 min readFeb 4, 2010

So, to promote the ebooks I’ve had come out in the past 5–6 weeks, I’m “on tour” virtually. This means I’ll be doing a bunch of online chats, some of them live, some of them in slo-mo via Yahoo loops and Livejournal communities, and guest blogging about eight different places. Writing a lot of guest blogs has meant teasing apart my writing process a lot, and it’s been fun. I’ll also be making some posts here with book excerpts, slide shows, etc… all that good stuff.

Here’s the schedule of where and when I’ll be “appearing.” Lots of these chats and guest blogs give commenters/participants a chance to win a free copy of my book(s), so it can be worth dropping by!

Cecilia’s fabulous “blog tour”

February 1: guest blogger at Sia McKye’s Thoughts Over Coffee

February 5: guest blogger at Wicked Thorn & Rose

February 18: Torquere press LJ chat

February 19: guest blogger at Night Owl Reviews/Night Owl Romance

February 22: guest blogger at CataRomance

February 23: guest blogger at Victoria Janssen’s blog

February 25: Fallen Angels chat

March 1: guest blogger at Lisabet Sarai’s Beyond Romance

March 16: guest blogger at Patricia’s Vampire Notes

March 23–24: Whipped Cream Reviews Interview & Chat

Date TBD: Literary Nymphs chat



Cecilia Tan
Cecilia Tan Author

Lean, mean writin' machine. Award-winning novelist. Bisexual. BDSM community activist. Answers to all pronouns but generally she/her/hers.