CEDE Products Presentation

Pierre Ni
Cede Labs
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2022

After presenting the CEDE Vision, where we talked about our vision for the evolution of the web3 ecosystem and the values that we cherish, we now want to present what came out of all that thinking.

CEDE logo

Overall Idea

We are creating a non-custodial CeFi/DeFi tracking & managing solution. Let’s break every single word down.

  • Non-custodial: it is when the user is the owner of his private keys. It is the opposite of custody where it is a trusted third party that owns the user’s keys.
  • CeFi: it stands for Centralized Finance. It can be centralized services like a crypto saving account but for us, it will be mostly about Centralized Exchanges (CEX) like Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, Kucoin,…
  • DeFi: it stands for Decentralized Finance where you have trustless traditional financial services. There are DEXes (Decentralized Exchanges), lending & borrowing protocols, staking protocols,… like Uniswap, AAVE, Yearn,…
  • Tracking: it is being able to monitor your crypto assets and positions on different services such as your wallet tokens or your lending positions.
  • Managing: it is about all the features that you can do with your DeFi wallet and CEX like send, trade, invest, bridge, borrow,… So basically when you move your assets from an address to a different address or a smart contract

How did everything start?

As users ourselves for many years, we noticed that crypto users have their assets scattered throughout the ecosystem. Whether it is in CeFi where we can have several CEX, or in DeFi, where assets can be on multiple blockchains, on different wallets and protocols. So that leads us to poor global visualization.

Another problem is that there’s a lack of fluidity at every level:

  • Between different CEXes
  • Within DeFi: between blockchains, wallets, and protocols
  • Between CEX and DeFi addresses

Finally, we get a time-consuming, painful and stressful experience because we need to go on every crypto application that we use to track and manage our assets.

cede.link: our dApp

cede.link logo and interface

Being multichain has become a norm amongst DeFi dashboards but since CEX are also part of the DeFi user’s journey, there’s a need to track one or multiple CEX at the same place.

To resolve those user problems, we built a user-friendly decentralized application (dApp )that allows users to track, manage and invest all of their crypto assets on a single interface, whether they are stored off-chain (in a CEX) or on-chain (on a blockchain).

We will call this 1st product cede.link (it is also the website’s link by the way).

Whether you have assets on Binance, Ethereum, FTX, Polygon, Coinbase, BSC,… you’ll see it on our dApp. Are we even going to integrate non-EVM blockchains? Maybe…

With a product that aggregates CeFi and DeFi, we want to propose a seamless experience between your CEX and blockchains by unifying all interactions into the same UX whether it’s for:


  • You’ll see your CEX positions exactly like you would see your blockchain assets. Because we can do the parallel: a CEX is a bit like a blockchain: you have your wallet and the CEX services you use (bank card, lending, staking,…) just like on-chain where you have your wallet and the protocols you invested in.


  • Do a trade on Binance just like you would do a swap on Uniswap from the same UI.
  • Transfer between your CEX and your DeFi address in a click.


  • You will have access to CeFi and DeFi services to grow your portfolio. Some handpicked DeFi protocols and CEX services will be directly accessible from the cede.link interface.

One value that we enforce ourselves to respect is privacy and self-custody. Your data will never be collected (we can not have access to it).

Finally, our goal with cede.link is to be the entry point to the entire crypto ecosystem.


How do we stay non-custodial while being able to track and manage your CEX?

Right now, we can notice that web apps related to CEX are always centralized and that you can rarely interact with your assets. But why?

In web2, you always have to create an account by giving some of your personal information. Then, to set up an external connection, you will need to plug in some API keys. Those keys are always stored on a database owned by a third party. So not surprisingly, it is the same system for CEX aggregator connections. And because it’s centralized, those projects can’t take the risk to ask for too many permissions on the keys in case their servers get hacked.

That custody is of course very badly perceived by the DeFi community.

However, DeFi does not encounter this problem thanks to decentralized wallets, like Metamask.

The vast majority of DeFi browser wallets store your blockchain keys directly on your computer or on a hardware device (like Ledger) and allow you to interact with the blockchain of your choice through a 1-click experience.

cede.store: our browser extension

cede.store logo and interface

In the same idea, we developed cede.store browser extension just like your traditional DeFi browser wallet but for any of your CEX. This browser extension will be your non-custodial CEX API storage and your interface to interact with your CEX.

For the storage part, you’ll be able to directly store your API keys on your computer or on a hardware device (a Ledger app).

“You OWN your API keys.”

No centralized databases/servers

Then, for the CEX interaction part, it will be the exact same way as you would interact with blockchains:

  • A one-click connection to your favorite dApp
  • Transaction data verification
  • A one-click request signature

In that way, we are able to keep our values of self-custody and of UX that we presented in CEDE Vision.

You will also be able to connect to any dApp with cede.store to interact with your CEX assets.

No new account creation, no centralized databases/servers. The extension acts like your account and the websites that will use cede.store will never have access to the API keys of the users.

We want to become the gateway to your CeFi liquidity and data from any dApps.

Just imagine all the use cases… (working on payment, tax report, DeFi protocols integration and many more,…)


Finally, the typical use case is that you come to our decentralized application cede.link, you connect to Metamask (or any other DeFi browser wallet) and our extension, cede.store, and in only two clicks, you can now track and manage all your CeFi and DeFi assets from a dApp while being trustless.

CEDE is here to make all interactions between CeFi and DeFi easier, faster and more secure while staying trustless.

Stay tuned, beta is coming fast 👀

Join our private beta whitelist and let’s build together!

