3 Best Secrets Sharing Social Media App in 2020

CEEcrets Inc
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2020
3 Best Secrets Sharing Social Media Apps.


Anonymous social networking apps are used because they allow us to interact with others and share our thoughts and feelings without the pressure of having your identity revealed.

Long ago, back before our identities were so present online via social media, it was a lot easier to remain pretty nameless and faceless on the internet. Today, however, with the range of popular social apps we use to stay in touch with friends and the mobile devices we take everywhere with us, it’s pretty safe to say that being undiscoverable online is almost impossible.

There’s a lot of pressure that comes with posting the “right” status update or selfie at just the right time to get the most likes and the most comments these days, and that’s partly why several anonymous social apps have started attracting more interest lately. It’s almost as if we’ve come full circle with social media, and we’re back at the beginning again, preferring the privacy and peace of mind that we don’t have to keep up with our online identities.

Most anonymous social networking apps can’t ensure to keep one’s activity completely secure or private. They may not be as transparent as Facebook, but most of the content that people share on them is traceable or recordable in some way or the other.

Comparing Relevant Apps

Among the most trending secret sharing apps, Whisper, Anomo and CEEcrets are the most used ones.

Whisper is a lot like virtual confessional interphase. We can choose one of photos at disposal and add text overlay of a confession or comment and to put that out there anonymously. We can even personally message other users we want to connect with. But this concept isn’t very new as a lot of companies, organizations have their confession page where the employees post their confessions. These pages are present on Facebook and are also common on Twitter.

Anomo is a social networking app that is completely anonymous in the initial stage, and then gradually gives one the opportunity to public things about one’s personal life in front of the other members gradually. It’s a logistics based model since it works on location; its functionality lets one chat with people nearby. One can also chat one-on-one privately, and play fun icebreaker games if you decide you want to tell people more about yourself. But the logistics suffers while using Anomo, hence people have reported various issues related to location glitches.

Ceecrets is a very innovative concept. Sharing secrets without the fear of being judged can be the most joyous thing to do. People seek approval. To know that they’re not ‘bad’ for having secrets of a specific kind. What’s better than telling a secret to show a person how much you trust them? They’re not secrets. They’re seeking for attention or being seen as mysterious. These are just some of the reasons. Each person has a different reason. It could be a scream for help or anything similar. CEEcrets knows this is a huge weight on their conscience to be receiving so many secrets and guilty confessions. When a person tells a secret, a part of their consciousness and guilt and anything negative about the situation is lessened because they have given some to another to hold onto for a while. It can be quite a burden to hold so many secrets on to shoulders especially if they all come with a request to keep them to you. CEEcrets makes sure you understand it is a blessing although it may not feel like it sometimes to be a light for others and someone that anyone feels they can trust. It makes sure you are making time for yourself and releasing some of these heavy energies by treating yourself, taking time to yourself and possibly even meditating if that’s something you feel comfortable doing. People hate awkward silences and judgments that follow. It sticks with them and it turns an otherwise nice and enjoyable experience into a bad one. Worse, it’s hard to forget. It leaves people feeling like they have no chemistry (even in a friendship) with someone else. In an effort to prevent these moments, people will fill the empty conversation with everything and anything. After some time, the innocent comments will be finished, and there is nowhere else to go besides secrets. The irony is we read about using a tactic like this to sway a negotiation. The argument is that remaining completely silent for as long as possible will suggest to the other party that there is more to be said. Those comments will keep flowing as long as you are quiet, and it can reveal critical pieces of information. In my opinion, this is the same for secrets, but there’s a little more to it. Relationships of any kind (romantic, friendship, etc.) involve give-and-take. People who don’t mind offering up information about their lives are doing so in an effort to create a bond. It may be subconscious, but it’s an initial show of trust to create a more “safe space.” CEEcrets is a one stop destination for everybody.

CEEcrets — An Anonymous Social Network


People keep secrets mostly because they don’t want to deal with others judgement(or the consequences of that judgement, for somebody who hides a crime the consequence would be prison), be it because they fear their reaction, because they don’t want to deal with it or lastly because they are afraid they will tell somebody they shouldn’t for the aforementioned reasons.

Having a secret on the long run affects your ability to feel accepted which prompts you to tell somebody because one person’s acceptance in our mind doesn’t work much differently from everybody’s. The inability to feel accepted because you are keeping a secret from the world is the so-called weight you get off your shoulders when you tell it, and you’ll find that the weight you get off yourself is bigger the closer you feel to the person you tell the secret to (if there is guilt involved that is a whole other weight with a whole other set of reactions). People who don’t want to feel accepted feel no urge to reveal any secret whatsoever. Sometimes we do tell our secrets just to feel special or impress others but those I wouldn’t call anybody’s best guarded personal secrets.

