Hottest CEEcrets Social Anonymous App Trends for Teens

CEEcrets Inc
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2020
CEEcrets — Share and Read Secrets Anonymously.


CEEcrets- the word in itself can intrigue a person. We often like to keep certain things to ourselves perhaps because of the fear of being judged or may be because we merely believe strongly in the concept of space. But why do teens want to delve themselves into an idea which perhaps is expected from older people. Teens are naive and get an adrenaline rush from doing things which otherwise isn’t in general expected from them. Readily another question may pop up that what is joy of being anonymous! Is it mere seclusion or just a millennial trend! We may try to dig a little deep and try to excavate the trend and derive a pattern. Teenage is a very tender period of a person’s life. Getting to know about opposite sex and exploring a plethora of new feelings, it’s a roller coaster of emotions. The dopamine is at an all time high. In this period of turmoil, anonymous apps come like manna from god. To break the status quo, unleash the inner you, being unapologetically yourself; these feeling flood a teen’s mind. We have all been through that phase in life. When asked, teens mostly are very optimistic about the usage of anonymous social media apps. It helps them to recover from mental stress and peer pressure and lets them connect with people with similar mental disturbances. Many of the teens emphasize on the fact that how anonymous apps have made it easier to interact with family and friends and to connect with new people.

Through the mind- A trip

A teen squirms as lines do on an imaginary page, shivering between the gasps, the spaces, the dwelling sorrows. The body is a beat that keeps repeating. It goes round and round. It is a garden of bluebells. We put them in this circus of things, things that don’t mean anything. They meet friends who leave them, mock them. The body wakes in the mirror of the day and begins to sweat. It sweats profusely. It is the color of a morbid sunset. It is the color of a feverish night. It is a turnip glowing alone on the roadside. Everything they were said to believe is a lie. They are cauterized by it. The eye rotates alone in a nether sphere. It has caught the sickness of some truth. But at this tender age a teen does not know what truth exactly is! Everything roams disjointed in the current of life. They do not know what beauty is. Is it but a genetic illusion? They are left with a disease of hope; hope for acceptance. A normal teen these days goes through a lot more than what a teen used to go through 10–15 years ago. In my opinion, understanding their mentality is at the center of the entire process of analyzing usage of anonymous tags in social media. Let us try to trace back the reason, which led to this. Everyone around us is very competitive. This idea is germane in the minds of teens as well. They become a part of this social conditioning and suffer a lot on all levels; a steep rise in the number of suicides adds value to my claim. Teens find a thrill in being anonymous while interacting with people who won’t judge them for their ideas; rather will empathize with them.

What promises sail upon this creased horizon, with their tender hearts? What daydreams spring forth from the urban ashes? The eye is the single living thing, a button spinning in the horizon. Y Eye is a daydream upon which the snow has set its gentle, white feet. A light shines through us and slits our cold throats, our bodies still glistening. What promises sail upon this dead land? Where everything is as beautiful as it is cursed? The naive eye spins into the seven oceans and its tender rim sings in me. Each drop of blood leaving with a sigh, the green grasses do not shy from eating it. What promises sail upon these dead beats? Only a small, red whimper can escape these gray, gray lips.

In my opinion the major catalyst in this process would be the growth of smartphones. Today every teen has a fancy smartphone in his/her hand. These smart phones have dramatically accelerated the use of apps and improvised the concept of space and privacy in the teen minds.

CEEcrets — Share and Read Secrets Anonymously.


The composition of such an intrigued generation is a thing that deserves reaction and encourages the same. We waver between abstraction and concreteness, that doesn’t necessarily represent an idea or a perspective, at least not in a very obvious way, what is one’s first reaction? They say teens communicate before they are understood. It is a striking thought. I personally find the thought rather spectacular. We communicate with things, ideas, people, events, society, nature and non-living things on a base level. Before thought, conjecture and contemplation arise there is an intuitive response. Now this is both an amalgamation of the object and the subject, an interaction at a subconscious level. That’s how beautiful CEEcrets are!

When I look at this situation, I’m seduced by emotion. I cannot pinpoint the exact feeling but it wanders in the territories of melancholy, dreaminess, death, abrasions and beauty.

When one sees a teen, one interacts with him\her at a base level, a communication via the senses but essentially through one’s entire being, one’s amorphous, coagulated structure as an individual.

Are anonymous apps the future of media corporations? There’s absolutely space for improvement with respect to anonymous ventures. Security is at the center of all concerns, but artificial intelligence can come handy. Being proactive in handling those issues swiftly gives fencing from any mishaps. We also see that such apps, at times form synergies with non-anonymous apps. We can’t deny that social cooperation is vital for development and growth. The million dollar question is, how sustainable is this anonymity that we have to face, if not today then in future!!

CEEcrets App.

