Share a Link Instead of a PDF. Introducing Public Profiles!

Mitch Samuels


This week brings the (beta-ish) launch of public profiles on Ceev!

Resumes are great and still widely used, but unless you’re formally applying for a job, it’s much easier to just send someone a link rather than a PDF. That’s where public profiles come in!

Check out my example public profile at

So what are they?

Public profiles on Ceev are a one-page professional profile that can be accessed by anyone at the URL that you choose. To set one up, sign into your account on and you should see a nice big colorful banner to start the setup process. First, you’ll pick a username, which will be your unique URL. You better claim a username fast, before all the nice & short ones are gone!

After you pick your username, you can either create a resume from scratch, or import one of your existing resumes you have saved on Ceev. Editing your profile works almost exactly like creating a resume — you can add content, rearrange stuff, and change colors, fonts, etc.

Profile pages are responsive, meaning they scale to fit on screens of all sizes. Because of that, I could not make the profile pages have the same designs of the resume templates. For now, all profile pages will have the same design. I’m working on adding more customization options so you can make your profile more personal.

At launch, you can still customize some things, though, like colors, fonts, and even the header/cover photo at the top of the page.

One more thing, though:

Public profiles are only available to pro users until June 22. On June 22, I will make them available for everyone.

Why? First, I wanted pro users to have a little advantage so they can claim the best URLs. If you get in early enough, you’ll likely be able to get your first name (like @ jeff) or even your initials (like @ js)!

Also, there will be bugs — I’ve already found and fixed many. Restricting public profiles to pro users for now makes it easier for me to monitor and respond to bugs.

If you want to guarantee you get a good username, upgrade to pro today! Use the code DONTTAKEMYURL at checkout to save 25% on a pro upgrade. 😏

Have thoughts or feedback about the public profiles? Leave a response and let me know!

Or leave a response with any other feedback or suggestions you have!

